Show and Tell Sessions

Speaker Title Materials
Applications 1: Fri Oct 10 - 11:00 - 12:30 (Summit)
Mark Taylor Upload crossmatching from TOPCAT  
Omar Laurino A Python implementation of VODML  
Chenzhou Cui AstroCloud, a Whole Lifecycle Management Platform for Astronomical Data Based on Virtual Observatory and Cloud Computing  
Matthieu Servillat VO diffusion for CTA  
Gilles Landais Indexing VizieR associated data with ObsCore  
François Bonnarel Aladin ObsTAP plugin  
Applications 2: Sun Oct 12 - 9:00 - 10:30 (Summit)
Tom Donaldson & Pierre Fernique VOTable issues & proposals => General Discussion  
Applications 3: Sun Oct 12 - 11:00 - 12:30 (Summit)
Laurent Michel Querying by region: from the drawing to the SQL query  
André Schaaff CMOC, a C library to handle MOCs  
Régis Haigron SCubOX, a Spectral Cube Online eXplorer
Thomas Boch Experimenting dynamic generation of HiPS density maps for large data exploration  
Hugo Buddelmeijer Request-based analysis of large datasets  
Petr Skoda VO-Cloud for Machine Learning  
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Topic revision: r5 - 2014-10-10 - PierreFernique
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