GWS Sessions at the October 2014 Interop Meeting

This time we will have 2 sessions, one dedicated to the updates of UWS to 1.1 and of VOSpace to 2.1., the second is about the future of the standards, VOSpace 3.0, SSO refurbishing, etc.
It is open to other short presentations or discussions at the end of the second session if we have remaining time.

GWS Session 1

The first session is dedicated to UWS (to 1.1) and VOSpace (2.1) updates .

GWS 1 - Black Bear - Friday 14:00 15:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
Paul Harrison (via Skype) UWS (to 1.1) update status and discussion   UWS 1.1 (Cont) pdf
Brian Major VOSpace (to 2.1) update status and discussion 30 minutes VOSpace 2.1 Discussion page
All Discussion    

GWS Session 2

In the second session we will focus the talks and discussions on the future of the existing standards and of the working group.

GWS 2 - Lynx - Saturday 9:00 10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Andre Schaaff Aim of the session    
First part VOSpace 3.0    
Walter Landry WebDAV   WebDAV.pdf
All Discussion   VOSpace 3.0 Discussion page
Second part Other standard updates    
A. Schaaff, B. Major SSO refurbishing   SSO Discussion page
All Future    

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date WhoSorted ascending Comment
PDFpdf UWS1.1Changes2.pdf r1 manage 1212.5 K 2014-10-10 - 16:25 PaulHarrison UWS 1
PDFpdf WebDAV.pdf r1 manage 231.4 K 2014-10-11 - 15:52 WalterLandry  
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Topic revision: r7 - 2014-10-11 - WalterLandry
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