Time Domain Interest Group

There is one time domain session scheduled for the October 2014 InterOp in Banff. We will convene at 16:00 on Friday (10 Oct) in Black Bear.

The primary aim of this session is to discuss the Simple Time Series note, VOEventRegExt and VOEvent Transport Protocol. Key topics:

If time allows, there is scope for open discussion on the future of VOEvent, use of the Wiki, engagement with the Hotwired IV meeting in May15, and event containers.

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size DateSorted ascending Who Comment
Unknown file formatpptx STS-DM_Oct14.pptx r1 manage 4674.9 K 2014-10-11 - 20:32 MikeFitzpatrick Presentation to DM group
Unknown file formatpptx TDIG_Oct14.pptx r1 manage 50.3 K 2014-10-11 - 20:30 MikeFitzpatrick Presentation
PowerPointppt TDIG_Oct14_1.ppt r1 manage 373.5 K 2014-10-11 - 20:32 MikeFitzpatrick Opening Plenary slides
PDFpdf STS-DM_Oct14.pdf r1 manage 5663.3 K 2014-10-12 - 17:33 MikeFitzpatrick  
PDFpdf TDIG_Oct14_1.pdf r1 manage 115.7 K 2014-10-12 - 17:33 MikeFitzpatrick  
PDFpdf TDIG_Oct14_2.pdf r1 manage 188.3 K 2014-10-12 - 17:32 MikeFitzpatrick  
PowerPointppt TDIG_Oct14_2.ppt r1 manage 354.0 K 2014-10-12 - 17:31 MikeFitzpatrick Closing Plenary slides
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Topic revision: r2 - 2014-10-12 - MikeFitzpatrick
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