Data Curation and Preservation IG Session, IVOA Interoperability meeting Santiago October 2017

DataCP - Saturday October 28 - O'Higgins - 11:00-12:30

The meeting will be chaired by André Schaaff.

Speaker Title Materials
A. Schaaff Summary of RDA Plenary 10 (Montreal, 19-21 Sept. 2017)  
M. Molinaro Feedback from the RDA Europe - ENVRI Summer School  
G. Landais DSA/WDS (CoreTrustSeal) Certification of VizieR  

Relevant information about RDA:

RDA P10 web programme

RDA EU - ENVRI Summer School on Data Management and Data Science

RDA in a nutshell (Oct. 2017): up-to-date summary of RDA status and activities

Relevant information about DSA/WDS (now CoreTrustSeal)

Data Seal of Approval (DSA)

World Data System (WDS)

The CoreTrustSeal site will be open to apply for certification around the end of 2017

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