There will be two TDIG sessions together with DAL and DM.

Most of the contributions are in the form of 12 min presentation + 3 min for questions.

At the end of the contributions, 30 minutes are allocated for discussion.

Friday 27 October - San Cristobal - 11:00 - 12:30

Access and Discovery

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Jesus Salgado Gaia Archive for Data Release 2: Access to Time Series 12+3 min  
Sebastien Derriere Time Series in VizieR 12+3 min  
Marco Molinaro GAPS exoplanets RV time series at INAF 12+3 min  
Francois Bonnarel Fundamental Metadata and DAL architecture for Time Series 12+3 min  

Discussion 1: Metadata on TD

Saturday 28 October - San Cristobal - 14:00 - 15:30

Representation and serializations

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pierre Le Sidaner VOEvent, proposed evolution 12+3 min  
Dave Morris VOEvent, changes proposed by the community 12+3 min  
Mireille Louys An attempt to federate data model views for Time Series 8+2 min  
Laurent Michel A general mechanism to map time domain data in VOTables 8+2 min  
Francois Bonnarel Classical serialization attempt 8+2 min  

Discussion 2: VOEvents evolution (no more than 15 minutes)

Discussion 3: Representation and serializations (no more than 15 minutes)

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Topic revision: r3 - 2017-10-27 - AdaNebot
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