IVOA-Groningen-2019-DCP-CDS-AS.pdfDCP IG Session, IVOA Interoperability meeting, Groningen October 2019

"Share best practices and engage IVOA member projects in the long-term curation and preservation of astronomical data"

After a whole session in College Park and a half session in Paris followed by a Splinter meeting, we have worked on the first release of the IVOA Note around DOIs and we will have the opportunity to discuss it all together.

It will be followed by a presentation about long-time data curation and preservation plans in China, a presentation about DOI handling at AIP and Data FAIRness. A short discussion, linked to FAIRness, about Machine-readable licence attached to data is also schedulded.

A discussion about Data Formats will end the session with a DCP eye and a report about ADASS BoF in this domain.

Friday October 11 - Student hotel - 15:30-17:00

Session minutes (Previous Interop minutes)

Speaker Title Time Materials
André Schaaff Introduction quick pdf
Anastasia Galkin DOI handling at AIP 15 ...
André Schaaff, Tim Jenness Discussion: IVOA DOI Note before its first release 20 ...
Chenzhou Cui "National Astronomical Data Center" of China 15 pdf
Sara Bertocco Data FAIRness through Open Science 15 pdf
Tim Jenness Discussion: Data Formats from a DCP eye 15 ...
... ADASS BoF outcomes about Data Formats   ...
André Schaaff Machine-readable licence attached to data (proposed par Françoise Genova) 10 pdf

In Paris we had also a presentation about certification and DCP is the good place to discuss about it in the future. This time RDA will take place after the IVOA meeting and we will continue RDA liaison during the next australian Interop in May 2020 (2 RDA plenaries in the meantime).

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I Attachment History Action Size DateSorted ascending Who Comment
PDFpdf NADC4DCP_20191011.pdf r1 manage 3413.6 K 2019-10-10 - 19:02 ChenzhouCui NADC-Chenzhou
PDFpdf IVOA-Groningen-2019-DCP-CDS-AS.pdf r2 r1 manage 19979.4 K 2019-10-11 - 09:22 AndreSchaaff  
PDFpdf IVOA-Groningen-2019-DCP-Introduction.pdf r2 r1 manage 189.9 K 2019-10-11 - 11:48 AndreSchaaff  
PDFpdf IVOA2019-doi-galkin.pdf r1 manage 10489.8 K 2019-10-11 - 12:00 AndreSchaaff  
Unknown file formatodp sara_bertocco_IVOAInterop_Groningen2019.odp r1 manage 4300.1 K 2019-10-11 - 10:28 SaraBertocco  
PDFpdf sara_bertocco_IVOAInterop_Groningen2019.pdf r1 manage 2960.6 K 2019-10-11 - 10:25 SaraBertocco  
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