TWiki> IVOA Web>IvoaEvents>InterOpSep2006>InterOpSep2006DM (revision 7) (raw view)EditAttach
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PDFpdf Anita.pdf r1 manage 390.0 K 2006-09-20 - 08:19 JonathanMcDowell Anita Richards' talk on Char
PDFpdf STC2006-09.pdf r1 manage 174.0 K 2006-09-19 - 08:21 ArnoldRots STC Status
Texttxt dm2.txt r1 manage 2.3 K 2006-09-22 - 03:11 JonathanMcDowell DM2 SESSION NOTES (JCM) STC, SOURCE
Texttxt dm3.txt r1 manage 3.4 K 2006-09-22 - 03:11 JonathanMcDowell DM3 SESSION NOTES (JCM) CHAR,MISC
Texttxt dmdal1_20060919.txt r1 manage 1.9 K 2006-09-22 - 02:54 JonathanMcDowell DM/DAL1 SESSION NOTES (Markus)
PDFpdf moscow1.pdf r1 manage 61.5 K 2006-09-18 - 10:53 JonathanMcDowell Opening plenary
PDFpdf moscow2.pdf r1 manage 241.0 K 2006-09-18 - 10:56 JonathanMcDowell Spectrum DM update
PDFpdf moscow3.pdf r1 manage 61.4 K 2006-09-22 - 03:12 JonathanMcDowell DM closing plenary
PDFpdf moscowstc.pdf r1 manage 530.6 K 2006-09-18 - 10:57 JonathanMcDowell Data model for STC
PDFpdf norman-talk-utypes.pdf r1 manage 24.7 K 2006-09-20 - 07:26 NormanGray Norman's Utype talk in DM-3
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Topic revision: r7 - 2006-09-22 - JonathanMcDowell
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