TWiki> IVOA Web>IvoaDAL>IvoaDAL_RunningMeetings (revision 76) (raw view)EditAttach
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PDFpdf 2023_ADQL_Validator.pdf r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 115.7 K 2023-03-15 - 08:36 GregoryMantelet  
PDFpdf DAL-RunningMeeting04NOV2020-TimeSeires.pdf r1 manage 923.2 K 2020-11-05 - 08:47 MarcoMolinaro  
Texttxt DAL_RM1_etherpad.txt r1 manage 4.2 K 2020-07-13 - 14:37 MarcoMolinaro  
PDFpdf DAP-SODA-DALRunningmeeting.pdf r1 manage 537.3 K 2022-09-28 - 15:43 FrancoisBonnarel DAP SODA running meeting september 28th 2022
PDFpdf DalRunning10-DL-DAP-SODA.pdf r1 manage 28.0 K 2023-03-10 - 15:28 FrancoisBonnarel DataLink, SIA/DAP and SODA news for DAL running#15
PDFpdf DataLink-sept8-2021.pdf r1 manage 563.4 K 2021-09-10 - 16:30 FrancoisBonnarel DataLink towards Working draft
PDFpdf DataLink.1.1-running-meeting.pdf r1 manage 1012.6 K 2020-12-09 - 20:00 FrancoisBonnarel  
Texttxt IVOA_DAL_RM10_etherpad.txt r1 manage 10.5 K 2021-04-29 - 05:51 MarcoMolinaro  
Texttxt IVOA_DAL_RM11_etherpad.txt r2 r1 manage 6.7 K 2021-07-01 - 10:06 JamesDempsey  
Texttxt IVOA_DAL_RM12.txt r1 manage 5.1 K 2021-09-24 - 02:41 JamesDempsey IVOA_DAL_RM12_etherpad.txt
PDFpdf IVOA_DAL_RM13.pdf r1 manage 45.5 K 2022-07-14 - 05:08 JamesDempsey  
PDFpdf IVOA_DAL_RM17.pdf r1 manage 35.9 K 2023-10-19 - 01:05 JamesDempsey  
Texttxt IVOA_DAL_RM17.txt r1 manage 2.2 K 2023-10-19 - 01:04 JamesDempsey  
Texttxt IVOA_DAL_RM2_etherpad.txt r1 manage 9.6 K 2020-07-28 - 07:46 MarcoMolinaro  
Texttxt IVOA_DAL_RM3_etherpad.txt r2 r1 manage 5.0 K 2020-09-04 - 06:29 MarcoMolinaro update 2020-09-04
Texttxt IVOA_DAL_RM4_etherpad.txt r1 manage 2.1 K 2020-10-01 - 11:02 MarcoMolinaro  
Texttxt IVOA_DAL_RM5_etherpad.txt r2 r1 manage 5.8 K 2020-11-24 - 13:14 MarcoMolinaro  
Texttxt IVOA_DAL_RM6_etherpad.txt r1 manage 8.0 K 2020-12-10 - 07:34 MarcoMolinaro  
Texttxt IVOA_DAL_RM7_etherpad.txt r1 manage 7.1 K 2021-01-28 - 09:14 MarcoMolinaro  
Texttxt IVOA_DAL_RM8_etherpad.txt r1 manage 6.1 K 2021-02-25 - 14:12 MarcoMolinaro  
Texttxt IVOA_DAL_RM9_etherpad.txt r1 manage 5.7 K 2021-03-30 - 08:04 MarcoMolinaro  
PDFpdf ProvTAPdal.pdf r1 manage 691.9 K 2020-10-02 - 07:35 FrancoisBonnarel ProvTAP status
PDFpdf SIA-DAPSODARunning.pdf r1 manage 1346.7 K 2024-04-18 - 11:36 GregoryMantelet  
PDFpdf TemplatedURLProposal.pdf r1 manage 619.2 K 2020-06-29 - 20:00 FrancoisBonnarel Templating endpoints in service descriptors
PDFpdf mbt-running10.pdf r1 manage 904.7 K 2021-04-29 - 08:15 MarkTaylor  
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Topic revision: r76 - 2024-04-18 - GregoryMantelet
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