TWiki> IVOA Web>IvoaRepMin>IvoaExecMeetingTM18 (revision 4)EditAttach

IVOA Exec Telecon TM18

January 18 2006 @ 17.00-18.00 GMT

Agenda (draft)

  • Roll Call and Agenda
  • Minutes of FM17
  • Review of Actions
  • Participation of Brazilian VO
  • Preparation status of the spring IVOA Interoperability meeting in Canada
  • IVOA demonstration stand during the IAU GA in Prague
  • AOB
    • Summary of this meeting
    • Date and Venue of the next exec meeting
  • Summary of Actions

Reports from the Projects

(please upload you projects here - or email to Nic Walton) -- NicholasWalton - 10 Jan 2006








(1) Personnel: There has been no change on the JVO project members.

(2) Funding proposals: The JSPS proposal that was submitted in September, 2005, to extend the Core-to-Core program for three years (2006-2009) was successfully accepted by the JSPS. It was announced that two or three proposals out of ten were accepted. This means that the Virtual Observatory activity in the world has been highy recognized in Japan.

(3) Development report: JVO designed Workflow Description Language based on BPEL4WS and implemented a part of the WF functionality in the JVO system. The WF is described in XML, and is converted into the Groovy script before execution. JVO plans to relaese this experimental operational system to limited users in Japan in the end of March 2006.

(4) VO as the core of Japanese Astronomical Data Center: It has long been discussed to reorganize NAOJ to enhance astronomical data management, and VO has been recognized to play the key roll. The discussion finished, and the NAOJ has decided to place the VO as a core of the new Data Center of the observatory. JVO team members will become members of the new Data Center. The new Data center starts from April 2006.










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Topic revision: r4 - 2006-01-15 - NicholasWalton
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