TM56 - Dec 16, 2014 (Telecon)
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Tuesday, Dec 16, 2014 (17:00-18:00 CET)
China-VO 2014, the 13th annual workshop of the China-VO project, was held from Nov. 26 to 29. More than 100 persons attended the workshop. The theme of the China-VO 2014 is "Big Data in Astronomy".
The second WWT planetarium was completed at Astronomy Department of Beijing Normal University. The inauguration was held on Oct. 15, 2014.
In March, 2014, a new electronic version of the GCVS was made available to the astronomical community. We started working on the next, 81st Name-List of Variable Stars, which will contain about 6000 objects. A half of the list will be ready for publication by the end of 2014. As usual, many dozens of corrections to the electronic GCVS have been introduced during 2014. A new scanner for digitizing the Moscow collection of astronomical plates was introduced by the end of 2013, and we continued scanning. We also proceed with discoveries of new variable stars
Sokolovsky, K.V., Antipin, S.V., Zubareva, A.M., et al. 2014,
Kazarovets, E.V., Pastukhova, E.N. 2014, 37 Mira Type Stars from the NSV Catalog:
2. Working group "RVO data" (INASAN, led by Dana Kovaleva)
The Binary Star Database (BDB) beta version is available at . The BDB includes all catalogued data on physical and astrometric parameters of binaries and multiples of various types. BDB provides a tool for effective managing of the catalogues of binary stars into the IVO. Organization of the information is based on the careful cross-identification of the objects. This year, the new data catalogues has been added, and the new approach to the solution of cross-identification problem was developed. A new consistent scheme for identification of objects in binary and multiple stars, BSDB (Binary Star DataBase), is developed and implemented. The scheme allows to link properly data with the relevant objects in the stellar system. The list of all binary and multiple stars cross-identifiers (preliminarily named Identification List of Binaries, ILB) is being created and will be used to improve BDB request processing. IVO standards implementation into BDB is discussed. The database request batch mode is being tested.
Kalinichenko L.A., Kovalev D.Yu., Kovaleva D.A., Malkov O.Yu.
Dluzhnevskaya O.B., Kaygorodov P.V., Kovaleva D.A., Malkov O.Yu.
Kaygorodov P.V., Kovaleva D.A., Dluzhnevskaya O.B., Malkov O.Yu.
Kaygorodov P.V., Kovaleva D.A., Malkov O.Yu.
Malkov O.Yu., Kaygorodov P.V., Kovaleva D.A., Oblak E., Debray B.
O.Yu.Malkov, O.B.Dluzhnevskaya, P.V.Kaygorodov, D.A.Kovaleva, N.A.Skvortsov
Kovaleva D.A., Debray B., Kaygorodov P.V., Malkov O.Yu., Oblak E.
Avvakumova E., Kaygorodov P., Kovaleva D., Malkov O.
Malkov O.Yu., "Binary star database BDB". Invited talk at All-Russian
Malkov O.Yu. "On identification and cross-identification of celestial objects"
Kovaleva D.A. "On the problems of designation and cross-identification
Avvakumova E.A. "The Binary star DataBase (BDB): the new service
3. Working group "Technologies of RVO information structures"
In 2014 at the Institute of Informatics Problems in cooperation with colleagues from INASAN investigations for developing virtual observatories have been conducted, focused on: investigation and development of conceptual approach to astronomical problem solving and demonstration of its benefits for particular cases; development of multiple object identification system and common approach to their cross-identification; investigation of methods to support lifecycle of hypothesis-dviven research and experiments; investigation of anomaly detection methods for various kinds of data.
Investigation of conceptual approach to scientific problem solving
Astronomy as a data-intensive science becomes more and more dependent on the fast growing datasets from various epochs, spectral ranges and instruments. Up to now researchers continue to be committed to the approach according to which particular catalogs are selected prior to the problem statement, so that the problem is defined in the terms of specific catalogs. Due to that problem specification and solving become tightly tied to specific catalogs and services.
Dominance of such approach impedes the problem solving methods reuse with other datasets as well as collecting methods to apply in new researches. Virtual observatories stress this deficiency serving generally as data archives today instead of serving also as libraries of analytic methods applicable to astronomical objects and phenomena, not to catalog lines.
In this regard using conceptual approach is noteworthy. It is built on the problem domain knowledge allowing formulation of problem solving algorithms and data analysis methods in terms of the domain concepts without reference to catalogs thus getting rid of the mentioned deficiencies. Catalogs in their turn are mapped into the problem domain specifications and used to solve problems formulated in the domain terms.
Development of multiple object identification system and cross-identification approach
This work continues and develops research focused on solving of problems arising in the comprehensive analysis of heterogeneous data sets by available arsenal of scientific methods and tools to identify useful information and to gain new knowledge. Problems of identification and crossmatching of multiple objects in astronomy were observed with a focus on systematization of identification and integrating of multidimensional observational data of different types. Existing methods of identification of single and multiple astronomical objects have been reviewed. BSDB scheme has been daveloped and implemented in Binary star database (BDB). Problems and solutions in cross-identification methods have been correlated to entity resolution methods in computer science including data schema mathing, data indexing in order to reduce pairwise enumeration, data comparison methods, selection of data identifying unique objects or
The objective of this study is to analyze, collect and systematize information on the role of hypotheses in the data intensive research process as well as on support of hypothesis formation, evaluation, selection and refinement in course of the natural phenomena modeling and scientific experiments. Facilities of informatics for support of hypothesis-driven experiments, considered in the paper, are aimed at the conceptualization of scientific experiments, hypothesis formulation and browsing in various domains (including biology, biomedical investigations, neuroscience, astronomy), automatic organization of hypothesis-driven experiments. Examples of scientific researches applying hypotheses considered in the paper include modeling of population and structure synthesis of the Galaxy, connectome-related hypothesis testing, studying of temperature trends in Australia, analysis of stock markets applying the EMN (efficient market hypothesis), as well as algorithmic generation of hypotheses in the IBM Watson project. An introduction into the state of the art of the hypothesis-driven research presented in the paper opens a way for investigation of the generalized approaches for efficient organization of hypothesis-driven experiments applicable for various branches of data intensive sciences [3].
Survey of anomaly detection methods for data intensive research
An approach to classify different anomaly detection methods according to the way the data is presented. Different applications of the outlier analysis in various cases have been summarized. end we Specific features of the methods suitable for the outlier analysis problem have been overviewed. Future plans include working on the anomaly detection in various fields (e.g. finding peculiar objects in massive digital sky astronomy surveys) [4].
1. Skvortsov N.A., Avvakumova E.A., Briukhov D.O., Vovchenko A.E.,
2. Kovaleva D.A., Kaygorodov P.V., Malkov O.Y., Kalinichenko L.A., Skvortsov N.A.
3. Kalinichenko L.A., Kovalev D.Y., Kovaleva D.A., Malkov O.Y. Introduction into Analysis of Methods and
4. Kalinichenko L. A, Shanin I., Taraban I. Methods for Anomaly Detection: a Survey // 16th Russian
4. Working group "The service of the electronic library of the astronegatives produced on Zvenigorod Observatory" (INASAN, led by Sergei V. Vereshchagin)
1. S.V.Vereshchagin and N.V.Chupina
2. S.V.Vereshchagin and N.V.Chupina
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