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---+ IVOA TCG Telecon - Tue, 05 Feb 2019 @21:00 UTC via WebEx ---++ last edit - Feb01 - JE ---++ Draft Agenda <div title="Page 4"> * TCG Charter review: * <span style="background-color: transparent;">Lots of new people, let’s remind ourselves of the key points of the charter. Please review ahead of meeting … we’ll have a short discussion: </span><span style="background-color: transparent;"> [[%PUBURL%/IVOA/IvoaTCG/NOTE-TCG-Charter-1.1-20100329.pdf][]]</span> * Working Draft/PR/RFC Status/Outlook going forward * <span style="background-color: transparent;">Review current table and get disposition</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">Review what’s coming in short term and what’s having problems progressing</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">Review what you think is the priority based on input</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">3 open errata to consider : (Laurent Michel)</span> * ObsCore 1.1: [[ObsCore-1_1-Errata][]] * [[Erratum-1][]]: invalid UCD in Table 6. * [[Erratum-2][]]: typos and impl. feedback from Marco * <span style="background-color: transparent;">STC 1.33 : </span> [[STC-1_33-Errata][]] * <span style="background-color: transparent;"> </span>[[Erratum-1][]]<span style="background-color: transparent;">: Corrects area equation for polygon <br /></span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">[[Erratum-2][]]: Corrects equation for addressing A < 0<br /></span> * Roadmap review 2018B: <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span><span style="background-color: transparent;">[[2018BRoadmap][]]</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">IVOA Architecture Document update status</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">Positions opening in May - verify list (JE will draft)</span> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">AOB</span> </div> ---++ WebEx IVOA TCG - Tues, Feb 05 @21:00 UTC Hosted by CXC Data Systems Tuesday (2/5) 4:00 pm | 1 hour 30 minutes | (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) Meeting number: 857 098 649 Password: TCG2019 Join by phone 1-877-668-4493 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada) 1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada) Access code: 857 098 649 <span style="color: #630000; font-size: 18.850000381469727px; background-color: #f6f6f6;">Roadmap</span> * [[2018BRoadmap][2018B Roadmap]] - Reference leading to Paris Meeting ---++ Document Submission Logs (since last Interop) | *date* | *document id* | *version* | *initiator* | *i/w group* | *action* | | 20181212 | <table border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td>[[][NOTE-timesysnote-1.1-20181212]]</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> | 1.1 | Markus Demleitner | Note | published | ---++ Actions: <div title="Page 4"> * ACTION-F0518-3: FG - Ensure that the important IVOA standards are in the RDA registry of standards (Note added 11/18 - DCP?/Registry?). - *OPEN* * ACTION-F0518-4: MCD - Produce documentation on how the models relate and how to get started with certain use cases.-<strong> OPEN</strong> * ACTION-F0518-8: DM/PD - Prototype hosting a document standard and issue tracking in GitHub. - *WORKING* * ACTION-F0518-13: MD/FG - make an official proposal of the IVOA Architecture document - *HOLD* </div> ---++ Status ---+++ WG/Apps (TD/RD) ---+++++ Status: ---+++++ Issues: ---+++ WG/DAL (MM/JD) ---+++++ Status: * TAP-1.1: progressing to new PR/RFC with agreement on authenticated endpoints solution, expected REC by/near Paris * implementations, client authenticated proof and validation ready * ADQL-2.1: xtype="region" solution identified, no clear deadline for RFC/REC * however path forward for DALI xtypes for polymorphism and complex shapes not yet agreed upon (need use case support/identification WRT tessellation/MOC) * DALI-1.2: foreseen revision, see [[DALI-1_1-Next][DALI-1.1 Next page]], but needs more discussion to reach agreement * DataLink-1.1: revision will start in a short while, report in Paris * (private communication from A. Micol) SODA-1.0 "typo-level?" erratum on UCD in the document (MM will issue in a few days) * re-check on SLAP-2.0, ObsLocTAP & ObjVisSAP with authors (no issues foreseen) ---+++++ Issues: * Service Weather report on DAL protocol "SHOULD"s: collected data providers view, need to report (here, e.g.) * polygon CCW: modelling seems solved (errata in other WGs), data providers side, how to proceed? ---+++++ Communications: * EU H2020 ASTERICS A&A Meeting in Trieste: helped in progressing the above, GWS may have more to say about. ---+++ WG/DM (MCD/LM) ---+++++ Status: * Errata: * ObsCore-1.1 and STC-1.33 pages created and discussed.. ready for TCG vote. * Coords: * Document delivered to WG (Nov 30) * Some discussion and feedback from several members through Dec/Jan. * Have list of actions/changes to fold into a new draft (Feb) * Transform: * Worked this next to support collaborative project implementing the model * Have gotten review/feedback from extended author list - 8 new * Restored 'deleted' operation types; added workflow management objects. * On 'final' iterations for delivery to full WG (Feb) * Meas: * Opened discussion on Modeling Velocities (Dec) * Had some iteration with Arnold and Steve on the representations of Proper Motion and Radial Velocity. * Consideration of this leads to a probable change in the Coords model 'short-cuts', which is one of the action items there. * Markus has some other input on representing velocities (derivatives) * Prov: * assessment of compromise model on implementations raised several concerns * significant iteration and rework made during Dec to retain compromise model 'spirit' while minimizing the impact on implementations so their deadlines can be met. * New model diagram due soon. * SSDL-2.0 * Volute space with WD and VO-DML products announced to working group today. * Time Domain * got Coords model feedback. * promised new Mapping serializations of all their example files; NOT DONE (resource issue) ---+++++ Issues: ---+++ WG/GWS (BM/GT) ---+++++ Status: ---+++++ Issues: ---+++ WG/Registry (ThD/PLS) ---+++++ Status: ---+++++ Issues: ---+++ WG/Semantics (ML/MD) ---+++++ Status: ---+++++ Issues: ---+++ IG/Data Curation & Preservation (AS/TJ) ---+++++ Status: ---+++++ Issues: ---+++ IG/Education (CC/HH) ---+++++ Status: ---+++++ Issues: ---+++ IG/KDD (KP/MG) ---+++++ Status: ---+++++ Issues: ---+++ IG/Ops (TM/MT) ---+++++ Status: ---+++++ Issues: ---+++ IG/Solar System (BC/SJ) ---+++++ Status: ---+++++ Issues: ---+++ IG/Theory (CR) ---+++++ Status: ---+++++ Issues: ---+++ IG/TDIG (AN/DM) ---+++++ Status: * TIMESYS * Note defining the metadata to characterise time proposing the TIMESYS element to be added to VOTable. [[][NOTE-timesysnote-1.1-20181212]] * Worked together with Apps to add this TIMESYS element in VOTable 1.4. [[][VOTable1.4 Draft] * Discussion over "ref" as a mandatory field or optional is now open. This is done in Apps. * A minimum vocabulary needs to be set for the reference position. Action on AN through the TDIG and Semantics mailing lists. * Time Series model * The part of the model describing time is described by the Coordinates model (see Working draft) -- Feedback was given to DMGW on that. * Time Series serialisation * Example built for a time-series of positions * VOEvent: * VOEvent standard up to date with the IVOA document standards (.tex file by BC, * Next step will be to get the PDF of this version accepted as the official document, possibly with a minor version increment. ---+++++ Issues: * TIMESYS * Discussion over "ref" as a mandatory field or optional is now open. * How to get feedback from preference of data providers? * Time Series model & serialization * Dependance on other models slows the process. * Observed process for other models is not encouraging. * Understanding the limit between model and serialization is not straight forward. What goes where? Need to see both model and serializations to understand if all the information needed is existing somewhere. * Need to have some serialization examples based on VO-DML (at least first attempts). Who is doing that? * Serialization based on utypes: list of utypes needs to be built (last interop some mistakes were found) and shared with the TDIG.
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