The Interop-er's Guide to Nightlife in Champaign-Urbana
It's a little quiet this week as we're between semesters, but you should be able to find some fun about town. For a more complete run down of happenings you might try these local community calendars:
Below are a selection of happenings around town this week:
Music and Comedy
Saturday, May 19
- Music: The Dirty Feathers (blues rock) @ Cowboy Monkey, 10pm, $5 (downtown Champaign)
- Music: Jazz @ the Iron Post: UI Jazz Faculty, 7pm; Mike Templetons West Cost Blues, 11p
Sunday, May 20
Monday, May 21
Tuesday, May 22
- Music: The Vine Street Syncopators (jazz) @ the Iron Post, 7pm (downtown Urbana)
Wednesday, May 23
Thursday, May 24
Friday, May 25
Movies at the New Art Theatre