Obscore 1.1 Erratum 4: Pin VODataService citation for data_rights to VODataService 1.1
Author: Markus Demleitner
Date last changed: 2023-10-10
Date accepted: 2023-11-10
The obscore standard has an optional field data_rights, which indicates
access modalities of the dataset described by an obscore row. The
possible values were (notionally) taken from what the Registry had at
that point, the
rights field in VODataService's service-like types,
which also used to define the meaning of the allowed terms
secure, and
Meanwhile, on the resource level (i.e., the Registry), this vocabulary
proved to be insufficient, which is why in VODataService 1.2 rights is
now a free text. Since obscore's citation "Plante et al, 2010" points
to the URI
http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/latest/VODataService/, which,
if it existed, would currently yield version 1.2 of VODataService, the
reference to the definitions of these terms is now at least
semi-dangling. The erratum clarifies the situation.
Erratum Content
In ObsCore 1.1,
(1) replace the content of section B 4.4 with:
This parameter allows operators to state the availability of a
dataset. Possible values are: public, secure, or proprietary as
defined in VODataService 1.1 (Plante et al. 2010), sect. 3.1.1.
(2) In the References section, replace the reference starting with
«Plante, and al. “VODataService…» with:
Plante, R., Stébé, A., Benson, K., Dowler, P., Graham, M.,
Greene, G., Harrison, P., Lemson, G., Linde, T. and Rixon, G.
(2010), ‘VODataService: a VOResource Schema Extension for
Describing Collections, Services Version 1.1’, IVOA
Recommendation 02 December 2010, arXiv:1110.0516.
Impact Assessment
This change has no operational impact whatsoever. It only serves to
make the text more accessible to implementors.