DM work package : Photometry
!!!Still!!! Work in progress : Site under re construction
+++ Use Cases for Photometric metadata
Here a set of Use-cases provided by the Take-up Committee- 2009, Nov 13 after the Garching Interop meeting .
B.Catalogue Access and Photometry metadata
This class of service is to provide tables of information derived from catalogues. It will be necessary, in some cases, to query metadata describing the catalogue content (e.g. type of objects in the catalogues, precision of measurements, types of measurements in the catalogue, Bmag, position, etc) (Registry?)
Take cases from
ObsTAP doc
1. Show me all data that satisfies
a.Datatype =IFU
a.Redshift > 3
a.RadioFlux > 1mJy
1.Show me a list of all data that satisfies
a.Emission line width Halpha > 2000 km/sec FWHM
a.Ha/Hbeta > 3.5
1. Given COSMOS (or other survey) X-Ray source catalogue give me all the sources
a. with photoZ > X,
a.and spiral galaxy counterpart and
a.produce radio - to -X-ray SED and display them
1.) Given a list of Abell clusters,
a.give me all their Chandra images with texp>X,
a.after I select regions occupied by the diffuse emission, give me all the Chandra point sources in these regions,
a.and find their redshift (I want to find background quasars because I am interested in lensing and I have no idea where to go to find z).
a.For the quasars, give me high res (<0.5") optical and radio images, and build SEDs
1.)Find me all the variable Chandra sources with optical counterpart and redshift.
a.If redshift is not available, give me an SED to compare with source templates
a.I also would like to run a tool or obtain a library of such templates from a theory database, which I expect the VO to provide.
a.My aim is to separate stars from variable quasars.
ObsTAP cases
1.)Show me a list of all catalogues
a.That cover this RA,DEC
a.Have Bmag, Imag, infrared K mags
a.Have positional errors < 1 arcsec in RA,DEC
1. Locate and show me all of the all-sky catalogues of object types that goes to Bmag=21
a.Show me all of the parameters (merged list) in these catalgoues
a.Let me select one of these catalogues and give me Bmag,redshift, object type
1. In this region of the sky (RA,DEC,radius) show me all of the catalogues that cover this region
a.Let me select 3 of these catalogues and let me overplot all of these points (with different colours for each catalogue) on the deepest Imag image that covers the entire region
a.Let me select one object and send this RA,DEC to
ObsTAP service to retrieve images from X-Ray to Radio
a.OR (instead of b.: let me select an object and show me an SED of that object)
+++ Use Cases for SED search, access and display