Program Preparation - IVOA meeting (Nov 15-17, 2024)
Interop meeting main links:
Schedule preparation
Schedule inputs: session requests
Input as:
- [group(s)] - number of sessions - notes/special requests (e.g. daytime)
- Operations IG - 1 session
- Extra - 1 - web site maintenance (splinter) session - if it fits the schedule
- IILG (IVOA-IAU Liaison Group) asked for 1 hour, plenary, to show progress [direct email to Marco from Bruce B.]
- HEIG/CSP - Request 1 Plenary session (JEvans/F Civano on behalf of HEIG & CSP) - Description: Combine HE/CSP efforts; Science presentations from HE TDAMM projects; ask speakers to address IVOA topics if applicable to there research or project (cover Alerts, Observation coordination, Data discovery, DMs) and conclude the session with a pitch for the HE group to become an IVOA IG;; Earlier in schedule would be good if possible, then HEIG members can participate & present/coordinate in other sessions (e.g., Radio IG on Obscore, DM WG for data model, Timing IG for VOevent) and interested parties will have face to face time.
- Registry WG - 1 session
- DAL WG - 1 session
- Radio IG (with potential obscore ext. harmonisation discussion), Apps, P3T, and Semantics+SSIG session request from 27.09 TCG vconf
So far included
Will appear here (and disappear from above), in the form
- session number, date, time: group(s), topic (if applicable), [plenary (as a flag)]
-- as of 2024-09-27 --
- session 3, Fri.15, 14:00: CSP/HEIG, high energy and time domain, alerts - plenary
- session 4, Fri.15, 16:00: DAL
- session 5, Sat.16, 9:00: Applications
- session 6, Sat.16, 11:00: P3T
- session 7, Sat.16, 14:00: Radio IG
- session 7, Sat.16, 14:00: Registry
- session 8, Sat.16, 16:00: Semantics + SSIG
Meeting reminders
List of emails sent and other communications or discussions