TWiki> IVOA Web>IvoaTCG>ProgramPrepNov2024 (revision 2)EditAttach

Program Preparation - IVOA meeting (Nov 15-17, 2024)

Interop meeting main links:

Schedule preparation

Schedule inputs: session requests

Input as:

  • [group(s)] - number of sessions - notes/special requests (e.g. daytime)


  • (here)
  • Extra - 1 - web site maintenance (splinter) session - if it fits the schedule

So far included

Will appear here (and disappear from above), in the form

  • session number, date, time: group(s), topic (if applicable), [plenary (as a flag)]


  • (none so far)

Meeting reminders

List of emails sent and other communications or discussions

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Topic revision: r2 - 2024-07-30 - MarcoMolinaro
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