Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (Nov 2-4, 2021)
Meeting web link:
Program link:
Schedule inputs OPEN !!
TCG meeting: 15 Sep
2021 @20:00 UTC
Virtual Mtg Outline:
- Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs), Science Platform & DM mini-workshop within the Interop, 4 days of sessions with Closeout session to finish, 1 Newcomers session on Monday prior to Interop
- Virtual Meeting Page
- Attendee sign-up / Abstract submission
- Technology
- Videocon: zoom
- Session messaging: zoom chat
- Live notes: etherpad
- Recording: via zoom
- Sessions
- WG/IG adding their requests to the organization page (as usual) - this page - see New Requests below - Highest priority
- Community topics/presentations - Short (~10 min) - Invite by WG/IG
Session Planning
New Requests WG/IGs/Invited:
[WG/IG] , <Request/description> - Your Name - Interop day/time preg - Date requested)
Semantics WG would like one session, preferably at times convenient
for Europeans. The day probably doesn't matter --
MarkusDemleitner - 2021-09-16
- Scheduled (moved from section above)
Last update
- Seeded this doc (9/9/21) - JE