Provenance day in Heidelberg, Germany, 2016 June 14th

hosted at ARI, prior to the data forum

Follow-up meeting


Name Surname Organisation Arrival time Leaving time
Mireille Louys CDS, Icube, Université Strasbourg 14/06 9:00 16/06 18:00
Kristin Riebe AIP, Potsdam 14/06 10:15 16/06/17:00
Michèle Sanguillon LUPM, Montpellier, France Frankfurt-Hahn: 13/06/16-23:35. Heidelberg : 14/06/16 depending on program Heidelberg:15/06/16-16:00
Mathieu Servillat LUTH, Observatoire de Paris 14/06 11:00?  
François Bonnarel CDS Strasbourg June 14th June 14th
Markus Nullmeier GAVO / Uni Heidelberg N / A N / A

insert your name here...


A room is reserved for us at Astronomisches Rechen-Institut (ARI), see for how to get there.

Topics discussed

See Minutes from Mathieu attached here and from Kristin attached here

Apologies for the draft nature of the minutes -- Mireille

* Data Model updates

* Structuring a database from the data model

* Storing/serializing the Activity/Entity Descriptions

- AI Mathieu: make a proposition for next meeting (vo-table params? or json? xml?)

* Access to the Provenance database

- prepare a first version without "Parameter"-class and a link to ObsCore /

- prototype a ProvTAP based on a dedicated TAP schema for Activity/Agent/Entity reusing ObsTAP for Entity? (not sure I got it right ...ML)

* Structure and content of the IVOA working draft

* Roadmap for Trieste (Interop in October) and beyond

* Contributions to ADASS Oct. 2016?

- AI: Kristin: Provenance Overview/Review --> oral proposal submitted

- AI: Mathieu: CTA + Provenance -->

* Next Provenance day meeting: arranged for July 20th

* News : the Provenance Week , washington DC in June / RDA interest group (little activity) / next RDA meeting in Denver , attached to CODATA conference

Goals as proposed for roadmap (Kristin)

  • define minimum requirements for the data model
  • finalize the data model (diagram)
    so that it works with only minor modifications for all our use cases
    including VODML-compliant representation (e.g. using Modelio, Magic Draw)
  • have the draft out as official working draft possibly before Trieste
    • structure of the draft
    • rewrite a concise introduction : AI: Mathieu: goals , definition for the "provenance" term in our context, how it is inserted in astronomical context, what it is not (different from Workflow, for instance), previous efforts, insert architecture section
    • including minimum requirements
      • what is needed and reused from the W3C proposal: a kind of W3C Core
    • including a section on serialising the data model
    • including a section on accessing provenance data
AI: all : insert examples of questions( queries) illustrating provenance usage in section Requirements 1.2.1
  • examples
    • get the progenitors for a specified dataset (entity)
    • give me the history, activities and progenitors for a particular entity
    • responsibility view for the agent : who was involved for this activity
    • for this entity get me the activities execution status and activity description
AI all: question to answer:
  • is Activity description part of the model or part of the implementation
  • should we plan diff levels of detail? e.g., details levels : basic, detailed, full??
  • it is up to the applications and access services --> AI Mireille? all ?: iterate to reformulate more simply
AI Kristin : rewrite 1.2.4

AI François add an historical summary in Previous efforts ? / IPAW International Provenance Annotation Workshop community
  • Assign sections to various writers and decide a deadline: end of July?
  • Work out relations between SimDM and ProvDM
    • Have at least one use case worked out with both models
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action SizeSorted descending Date Who Comment
PDFpdf 160614_ProvenanceDay_Heidelberg.pdf r1 manage 45.8 K 2016-07-19 - 20:20 MireilleLouys Minutes thanks to Matthieu Servillat
Texttxt notes-Kristin-provday-june2016-heidelberg.txt r1 manage 9.2 K 2016-07-19 - 20:41 MireilleLouys Minutes from Kristin
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Topic revision: r18 - 2016-07-19 - MireilleLouys
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