Provenance Follow_up meeting

at ASTERICS Tech Forum in Strasbourg, France, 2017/03/23

hosted at Observatoire de Strasbourg

supported by Asterics Project and OV-France , GAVO, Paris Data Center


This meeting was held during the Thirds Asterics Tech Forum in Strasbourg , during two Hackaton sessions.

Kristin Riebe - "Links between SimDM and ProvenanceDM" pdf

The mapping between SimDM classes and ProvenanceDM classes is quite straight-forward. It will be explained in the current ProvenanceDM WD

- "Prov DAL and Serialisation formats for Provenance DM" discussion

As ProvDM in the W3C provides software tools for visualisation and serialisation/ translation we investigate which formats should be used for the various use-cases considered for the IVOA ProvDM:

Preferences are:
- PROV-JSON all partners SVOM, CTA, Pollux, ..
- PROV-XML Lofar
- VOTable Pollux , CDS

VOTable is needed, if we envision to have a ProvTAP service at some point, since TAP services should by default return VOTables.

Jose Enrique Ruiz del Mazo, CTA data model pdf

Analysis workflow : into the CTA pipeline and into the scientist analysis destop

Michèle Sanguillon - voprov python module: current status pdf

Discussion : examples of VOProv python library need more trials
tools are available : we can build on it .
we see we should explore more the various serialisation formats of the DM Classes
a wiki page will be dedicated for that and annonced on the DM list

Other topics to discuss next (on DM list and at next meeting)

Riebe Kristin, Louys Mireille, F. Bonnarel Updates in class design : Activity Flow, relations as classes, roles in the Provenance DM WD discussion
Riebe Kristin- VO-DML representation How to deal with the "double compositions" in-between relation-classes discussion
Riebe Kristin - F. Bonnarel and ? Use case discussions: next steps for implementations discussion
Mathieu Servillat ctapipe Provenance python class for CTA presentation + discussion
Riebe Kristin - F. Bonnarel and ? Use case discussions: next steps for implementations discussion


Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action SizeSorted descending Date Who Comment
PDFpdf ProvenanceinandoutCTADM-JoseEnriqueRUIZ.pdf r1 manage 6855.6 K 2017-03-26 - 20:52 MireilleLouys Provenance & Workflows in CTA context
PDFpdf SimDM-and-Provenance.pdf r1 manage 3378.2 K 2017-03-28 - 09:52 KristinRiebe SimDM and ProvenanceDM
PDFpdf 170322Astericsvoprov.pdf r1 manage 1066.7 K 2017-03-27 - 13:12 MireilleLouys Hackaton Provenance@Asterics / Michèle Sanguillon
PDFpdf 170322_Asterics_voprov.pdf r1 manage 1066.7 K 2017-03-27 - 13:07 MireilleLouys Hackaton Provenance@Asterics / Michèle Sanguillon
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Topic revision: r6 - 2017-03-28 - KristinRiebe
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