IVOA Provenance DM PR2 - Serialisation Examples

Here are working examples with the PR2 datamodel version.

It applies to :

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng Cube_Segmentation_Activity_Description_Object_diagramFeb22v2.png r1 manage 113.3 K 2019-02-22 - 21:56 MireilleLouys Modelio Instance diagram of a Cube segmentation Activity - MLouys
PDFpdf activityDescriptionMap-draw.pdf r1 manage 442.2 K 2019-02-22 - 22:02 MireilleLouys drawing of an Activity Description MindMap - Louys
Texttxt prov-example-CubeSegmentation-ML.txt r1 manage 13.3 K 2019-02-22 - 21:46 MireilleLouys Provenance for a Cube segmentation Activity - M.Louys - CDS
Texttxt prov_example_cta_2activities_v3.txt r1 manage 18.8 K 2019-02-22 - 21:29 MireilleLouys CTA serialization example for activities in CTA pipe -M.Servillat - LUTH
Texttxt prov_example_hipsv2.txt r1 manage 12.1 K 2019-02-22 - 21:25 MireilleLouys Provenance for the generation of HiPS data collection - F Bonnarel -CDS
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Topic revision: r1 - 2019-02-22 - MireilleLouys
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