--+ RadioIG Session Schedule - IVOA May 2023 Interoperability Meeting

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Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+10:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Bologna Perth/Beijing Canberra
RIG May 10 14:00 May 10 07:00 May 10 10:00 May 10 16:00 May 10 22:00 May 10 24:00

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.

RadioIG session

Time: May 10 16:00 [session #12-B]

Speaker TitleSorted ascending Time Material
Fabian Schüssler Astro-COLIBRI: An Advanced Platform for Real-Time Multi-Messenger Astrophysics 12 + 3 pdf
Jérôme Pety IRAM Information Flow (remote) 12 + 3 pdf
Baptiste Cecconi Pulsars data 12 + 3 pdf
All Radio Pulsar and time domain data discovery + Obscore extension general discussion 18 pdf
François Bonnarel Status of ObsCoreExtension for radio data : an IVOA working draft 12 pdf
Baptiste Cecconi The MASER project 12 + 3 pdf
Moderator: Mark (remote), Notetaker: François

notes: saved notes ( link to etherpad live notes, should expire around end of May 2024)


IRAM Information Flow (J.Pety)

The Observation Management System (OMS) is foreseen as a web-based set of independent tools with similar look and feel in order to handle observation projects from proposal submission to distribution of the data to the astronomers. In this talk, I will make an overview of the current status and future developments of OMS.

Astro-COLIBRI: An Advanced Platform for Real-Time Multi-Messenger Astrophysics (Fabian Schüssler)

Observations of transient phenomena like Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs), Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs), stellar flares and explosions (novae and supernovae), combined with the detection of novel cosmic messengers like high-energy neutrinos and gravitational waves have revolutionized astrophysics over the last years. The discovery potential of both multi-messenger and multi-wavelength follow-up observations is maximized thanks to rapid exchanges of information, "alerts", between very different observatories around the globe. In this increasingly rich and complex environment VO formats and protocols play a central role.

We here present Astro-COLIBRI, a novel tool building in large parts on the VoEvent format and protocol. Astro-COLIBRI's architecture comprises a public RESTful API, real-time databases, a cloud-based alert system and a website as well as apps for iOS and Android as clients for users. Astro-COLIBRI evaluates incoming messages of astronomical observations from all available alert streams in real time, filters them by user specified criteria and puts them into their MWL and MM context. The clients provide a graphical representation with an easy to grasp summary of the relevant data to allow for the fast identification of interesting phenomena, provides an assessement of observing conditions at a large selection of observatories around the world, and much more.

In this contribution, we'll highlight the key features of Astro-COLIBRI. We'll briefly outline the architecture, summarize the used data resources and provide examples for applications and use cases. We'll then discuss the current and future role of VoEvent in the rapidly changing landscape of time domain astrophysics.

MASER Project (B. Cecconi)

The MASER service (Measurements, Analysis and Simulations of Emissions in the Radio range) is an open science and science ready toolbox for low frequency radio astronomy. Currently, MASER is focussed on Solar, space and planetary sciences. It serves these community with the following capabilities:

  • Discover low frequency radio data products with EPN-TAP
  • Accessing large data remotely, using das2 (a data streaming protocol with server-side data down sampling)
  • Hosting and Sharing data with a dedicated repository
  • Working with events and observed features using TFCat, a framework allowing to annotate, store and share events in the spectral-temporal domain.

Pulsar data implementation in Nançay (B. Cecconi)

We report on an implementation of ObsTAP for sharing PSR-FITS and PSRCHIVE data products from a set of LOFAR stations, and coordinated by the LPC2E team in Orléans.

Status of ObsCoreExtension for radio data : an IVOA Working Draft (F.Bonnarel)

We have proposed an extension for radio data (inteferometry and single dish). We will review the last recent changes, propose to to the DM Working drafts status and suggest some test implementations

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-- FrancoisBonnarel - 2022-05-02

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf Astro-COLIBRI_2023-05-10_Interop.pdf r1 manage 8787.9 K 2023-05-10 - 11:02 FrancoisBonnarel  
PDFpdf IVOA2023_Radio-Cecconi-Pulsar-CDN-2023-05-10-v1.pdf r1 manage 1246.6 K 2023-05-10 - 14:10 BaptisteCecconi  
PDFpdf IVOA2023_Radio_MASER-Cecconi.pdf r1 manage 11417.6 K 2023-05-10 - 07:31 BaptisteCecconi MASER service
Texttxt IVOA_May_2023_interop_RadioIG_session-365days.txt r1 manage 3.2 K 2023-08-29 - 12:31 FrancoisBonnarel Session notes
PDFpdf ObsCoreExtensionForRadioData.pdf r1 manage 876.9 K 2023-05-10 - 12:49 FrancoisBonnarel  
PDFpdf pety-interop.pdf r2 r1 manage 7192.2 K 2023-05-22 - 14:46 FrancoisBonnarel  
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