TWiki> IVOA Web>IvoaResReg>RegistryModel (revision 5)EditAttach

Registry Model


This is the starting point for developing a model of entities with which a registry needs to engage. To start with, we'll simply create a list of 'things' and add definitions to them:

  • resource
    • an item (with an identity) which is of interest or use to the Virtual Observatory community
  • service
    • a resource which can be invoked
      Note: service sub-types such as ConeSearch or SIAP are still considered to be services, not interfaces
  • interface
    • a physical, technical interface to a service
  • organisation
    • any type of organisation
  • site
    • a single location
  • publisher
    • an organisation responsible for creating and maintaining a resource
  • provider
    • an organisation responsible for making a service available
      Note: since only services are invocable then only they ought to have a provider
  • data collection
    • a collection of datasets (or other collections)
  • copy
    • a complete copy of a data collection
      Note: properties of the copy will represent the period a mirror is updated, the date/time a snapshot was taken etc.
      Note: copies of less than the whole data collection will form new collections with a 'derived from' relationship, much as the results of a query would have
  • snapshot
    • a copy of a data collection which is never updated
  • mirror
    • a copy of a data collection which is periodically updated
  • dataset
    • a single published set of data tables from a science team
  • table
    • a set of data in which all rows have the same columns (??)
  • application
    • a collection of functions
  • function
    • a process that transforms data, generates information, etc.
      Note: I'm fairly sure we need both application and function but could do with better definitions
  • sky service
    • a service that makes one or more data collections available
  • tabular sky service
    • a specific type of sky service: one which accesses and returns tabular data
  • app service
    • a service that makes one or more applications available


Draft (simple) models of the terms above:

Resource model


Registry model

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Topic revision: r5 - 2004-12-17 - TonyLinde
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