This page discusses SAMP MTypes. MTypes define the semantics of messages exchanged between SAMP clients.


An MType (Message Type) is the semantic label attached to a SAMP message (see SampInfo). An MType is a string which looks syntactically like a.b.c , and it has associated named parameters and return values - it can be thought of as a bit like a subroutine definition. More detailed and definitive discussion of MType syntax and usage can be found in the SAMP Standard.

MTypes fall into (about) three categories:

MTypes beginning samp. have meanings concerned with the workings of the SAMP protocol itself. An example is samp.hub.event.register, which is broadcast whenever a new client registers with the hub. These are defined in the SAMP standard, and new ones may not in general be introduced at will. Proposals for new administrative MTypes may however be discussed here for introduction in future versions of the Standard.
In order for applications to communicate meaningfully they must agree on what MType to use for a given action. Public MTypes are ones agreed by several application authors with well-known meanings. An example is table.load.votable , which instructs to load a table in VOTable format at a given location. These are currently documented below.
Any application author is free to introduce any MType for his/her own purposes, as long as it does not start with the reserved string " samp. ". In the case that this is for private testing, specialised communication between tools developed in the same place, or similar, there is no requirement to document these in a public fashion.


An application author who needs to exchange an application-type message with particular semantics should proceed along the following lines:

  1. Check the list below to see whether a suitable MType already exists
  2. If not, or if one exists but needs adjustment such as new optional parameters, make or solicit suggestions on the form of a suitable MType on the mailing list
  3. When some agreement is reached, add the documentation to the list below

The intention is that application MTypes, once added to this list, will continue to be used for the purpose for which they were introduced rather than being replaced by other differently-named ones of similar purpose. There may be amendments which involve addition of optional parameters or return values, on the understanding that they do not invalidate messages exchanged without knowledge of the new additions. In this way backward compatibility should be maintained.

This procedure is currently quite informal. It has worked well to date, but will remain under review. If the SAMP community decides that a change to the procedure is desirable, for instance publication of Application MTypes in an IVOA Note, or more structured review of suggestions, the new policy will be described here. This page may be reorganised at some point, for instance splitting the known Application MTypes into more than one list.

Application MTypes

The following MTypes are ones which application authors are using, or are considering using.


Loads a table in VOTable format.
  • Arguments:
    • url (string): URL of the VOTable document to load
    • table-id (string) optional: identifier which may be used to refer to the loaded table in subsequent messages
    • name (string) optional: name which may be used to label the loaded table in the application GUI
  • Return Values: none


Loads a table in FITS format.
  • Arguments:
    • url (string): URL of the FITS file to load
    • table-id (string) optional: identifier which may be used to refer to the loaded table in subsequent messages
    • name (string) optional: name which may be used to label the loaded table in the application GUI
  • Return Values: none


Highlights a single row of an identified table by row index. The table to operate on is identified by one or both of the table-id or url arguments. At least one of these must be supplied; if both are given they should refer to the same thing. Exactly what highlighting means is left to the receiving application.
  • Arguments:
    • table-id (string): identifier associated with a table by a previous message (e.g. table.load.*)
    • url (string): URL of a table
    • row (SAMP int): Row index (zero-based) of the row to highlight.
  • Return Values: none

Selects a list of rows of an identified table by row index. The table to operate on is identified by one or both of the table-id or url arguments. At least one of these must be supplied; if both are given they should refer to the same thing. Exactly what selection means is left to the receiving application.
  • Arguments:
    • table-id (string): identifier associated with a table by a previous message (e.g. table.load.*)
    • url (string): URL of a table
    • row-list (list of SAMP int): list of row indices (zero-based) defining which table rows are to form the selection
  • Return Values: none


Loads a 2-dimensional FITS image.
  • Arguments:
    • url (string): URL of the FITS image to load
    • image-id (string) optional: Identifier which may be used to refer to the loaded image in subsequent messages
    • name (string) optional: name which may be used to label the loaded image in the application GUI
  • Return Values: none

Directs attention (e.g. by moving a cursor or shifting the field of view) to a given point on the celestial sphere.
  • Arguments:
    • ra (SAMP float): right ascension in degrees
    • dec (SAMP float): declination in degrees
  • Return Values: none


Loads a spectrum or SED. The name refers to the fact that the metadata passed with this MType is based on the Simple Spectral Access protocol, but not on any particular version of it. The arguments are chosen such that it is convenient to use this MType for passing the results of an SSA query from an SSA client to a spectrum viewer (particularly to an SSA-capable spectrum viewer). However it is not necessary for SSA to be involved; SSA-like metadata may be faked and used to message loading of a spectrum from any source. In the latter case it is RECOMMENDED to provide at least the Access.Format entry in the meta map.
  • Arguments:
    • url (string): URL of the spectrum to load
    • meta (map): Additional metadata describing the spectral data found at the URL. Key->Value pairs represent either Utypes or UCDs as defined or used in some version of the SSA specification or its predecessors. Example map keys are Access.Format (SSA 1.0 MIME type Utype) or VOX:Spectrum_Format (pre-1.0 SSA MIME type UCD). It is up to the recipient to make sense of these and, for instance, deal with the possibility that given expected keys are present or that apparently contradictory information is presented. Most existing SSA-aware spectrum viewing clients already contain this functionality.
    • spectrum-id (string) optional: Identifier which may be used to refer to the loaded spectrum in subsequent messages
    • name (string) optional: name which may be used to label the loaded spectrum in the application GUI
  • Return Values: none
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Topic revision: r10 - 2009-04-14 - MarkTaylor
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