TWiki> IVOA Web>IvoaTCG>TCGMeeting20101206 (revision 14)EditAttach

IVOA TCG F2F#02 Meeting

6 December 2010, Nara, Japan

Local Arrangements

To come soon.

Meeting Agenda

Monday 6 Dec 2010
Time Topic Notes
09.30–09.45 Welcome and Logistics  
TBD Status of implementation from WG chairs of the first priority science cases ObsTAP
SED Builder
Search by target list and object type
TBD TCG roadmap for SLiCAP New standard or extension of SSAP to support Light Curves?
TBD TCG roadmap for Theory related standards SimDB, SimDM and SimDAL interdependencies with other existing IVOA standards
TBD TCG roadmap for Utypes and Units standards Progress on these core / cross WG standards?
TBD Follow up actions on IVOA Architecture Update of all existing standards with introduction to Architecture? Need for REC fast track ?
TBD Common / standard template for WG / IG web pages? Review of current status. Do we want to aim at a common / standard template? List of existing standards from WG? List of standards being worked by WG, links to WDs? Others? Discussion on way forward if required
16.30 End of Meeting  


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Séverin TCG Y
Paolo Exec Y
Ajit Exec N
Tom Apps Y
Mark T. Apps N
Mike F. DAL Y
Mireille DM Y
Jesus DM Y
Matthew GWS Y
RayPlante Registry Y
Gretchen Registry N
Hervé Theory Y
Rob VOEvent N
Roy VOEvent N
Francoise Standards Cttee Y
Sebastien Semantics Y

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Topic revision: r14 - 2010-11-04 - SebastienDerriere
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