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IVOA TCG F2F#02 Meeting

6 December 2010, Nara, Japan

Local Arrangements

To come soon.

Meeting Agenda

Monday 6 Dec 2010
Time Topic Who Notes
09:30–09:45 Welcome and Logistics    
09:45-10:30 Follow up actions on IVOA Architecture Christophe, Severin Update of all existing standards with introduction to Architecture? Need for REC fast track ?
10:30-10:50 Status of implementation from WG chairs of the first priority science cases Pat, Mireille ObsTAP
10:50-11:10 Tom, Mireille, Pat SED Builder
11:10-11:30 Sebastien? Search by target list and object type
11:30-12:00 TCG roadmap for Utypes and Units standards Sebastien, Mireille Progress on these core / cross WG standards?
12:00-13:30 Lunch    
13:30-14:30 TCG roadmap for Theory related standards Herve, Pat, Ray, Mireille SimDB, SimDM and SimDAL interdependencies with other existing IVOA standards
14:30-15:15 TCG roadmap for SLiCAP Rob/Matthew?, Mireille, Pat New standard or extension of SSAP to support Light Curves?
15:15-16:15 Common / standard template for WG / IG web pages? Christophe, Severin Review of current status. Do we want to aim at a common / standard template? List of existing standards from WG? List of standards being worked by WG, links to WDs? Others? Discussion on way forward if required
16:15-16:30 AOB  
16.30 End of Meeting    


Name WG/IG Present
Christophe TCG Y
Séverin TCG Y
Paolo Exec Y
Ajit Exec N
Tom Apps Y
Mark T. Apps N
PatrickDowler DAL Y
Mike F. DAL Y
Mireille DM Y
Jesus DM Y
Matthew GWS Y
RayPlante Registry Y
Gretchen Registry N
Sebastien Semantics Y
Hervé Theory Y
Rob VOEvent N
Roy VOEvent N
Francoise Standards Cttee Y

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Topic revision: r19 - 2010-11-11 - ChristopheArviset
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