(revision 15) (raw view)
---+ TCG Meeting (online) - Wed, Jan 25 2023 @ 13:00 UTC %TOC% --- * _Attendees_ : *Pierre, James, Laurent, Jesus, Giuliano, Dave, Renaud, Tess, Markus, Carlo, Gilles, Henrik, Raffaele, Mark T, Mark L, Francois, Anne, Mark CD, Christophe, Ada, Marco, Janet* * _Regrets_ : Simon, Pat, Grégory, Adrian --- ---++ <a name="Meeting details"></a>Meeting details Zoom ---++ <a name="Actions"></a>Actions * Existing * [DM] - integrate code of conduct with IVOA current one and move repo to [ONGOING, *JE to help]* * The GitHub repo has been transferred IVOA and the key questions added to the project <a href="" target="_top">README</a> file. * We are looking for a place to host the discussion. Last telecon we decided to use <>, but I haven't taken this further yet. * [MM] investigate update of RFC wiki-template [OPEN] * [MM] send out an email about abandoned/unused mailing lists decision [OPEN] * New/Restated or modified * [Apps/Ops/GWS] Plan a few joint meetings for discussion on adding newer technologies to VO architecture (ie. JSON over XML) [OPEN] ---++ <a name="Meeting Agenda"></a>Meeting Agenda *(Annotated in Bold with meeting notes after session)* * Few things to note: * Northern Spring 2023 IVOA meeting in Bologna, Italy (sponsored by INAF) - dates - May 7-12 (5/7 TCG & Exec mtgs) * Northern Fall 2023 IVOA meeting Tucson (sponsored by Rubin in works) - dates - Nov 10-12 (ADASS Nov 5-9) * Next Exec mtg Jan 31 * [[2022BRoadmap]] -- Would really like to see folks complete !! * [[IvoaTCG#On_going_Recommendations][TCG RFC Review]] * "Vocabularies in the VO" - sent to Exec on Jan 20 - *responses are positive, expect it to be complete at 1/31 Exec mtg* * Priority on wrapping up MIVOT - *please review!!!* * UCDList 1.5 to be voted - *TCG APROVED* * DALI-1.1/TAP-1.1 "examples" vocabulary to be reviewed - *VOTE planned for NEXT TCG Mtg, please review* * ObsCore -1.1 Erratum 3: how to move one? *Erratum "rejected" has not really being an erratum* * (new) Errata: *all of these are in WG discussion, please report when ready for TCG vote* * DALI-1.1 Erratum 1: Drop resource attribute on continuation * SODA v1.0 Erratum 2: Wrong VOTable syntax in polarization example * SODA v1.0 Erratum 3: Wrong VOTable syntax in BAND example * SIAP v2.0 Erratum 1: POS=RANGE examples inconsistent with spec * SIAP v2.0 Erratum 2: Possible confusion between FORMAT and RESPONSEFORMAT parameter * Northern Spring 2023 Interop * Bologna Details (Marco/LOC) - *Marco, Upload slides and link* * Overview of Venue/Logistics (MM) * 1st announcement must include: register now! book now! * *Marco presented a set of slides with venue and city center/bus transportation details* * *Bologna has a lot of mtgs around Interop time, suggest you book hotels early and plan for walk or bus transport to venue;* * *Lunches and breaks will be covered by hosts; working on a participant pay plan for dinner* * Need to get Interop 'Save the Date', meeting info, and Baseline schedule out in next few weeks (LOC action) * Special topics/Plenary planning/Education session * See [[ProgramPrepMay2023]] Page -<b> Put your session requests in this doc along with plenary/hackathon/workshop requests</b> * See [[InterOpMay2023]] Schedule - Please review * Current Plenary focus - Science Platforms (possibly 2 sessions); DOIs in Open Science (1 session); other ideas???? * *Steve Hughs (from JPL, Information modeling expert and person responsible for the PDS implementation that supports expressing the Information Model in multiple formats including both XML and JSON) has coordinated his schedule/approvals to be available for a presentation on the topic at the May Interop. (Thank you Anne)* * Any interest in ... Hackathon?? mini workshop?? special topics?? * TCG meeting on the Sunday before the Interop - 4.0 hours planned * *Big topic at the mtg was what time to start on Sunday (morning or afternoon); Based on discussion and feedback we'll stay with the proposed 9:30am local time start (pushed it out a 1/2 hour) with 1 hour lunch, and Exec will start at 4pm local time* * We will step through the Roadmap, get status, discuss next steps & stumbling blocks to progress, connections between CSP nd groups and between groups * Looking for topics for you to lead from the WG/IG leads * This is a good opportunity to have a good working discussion between groups or handle other topics that need attendtion * Can be time sensitive - before the Interop starts -or- longer term * Thinking to add Code of Conduct topic from action above * TCG WG/IGs are encouraged to schedule your own side mtgs to build synergy and make progress on topics - either by requesting a room or having an informal meeting at a place of your own choosing;; we can make a few announcements each morning if you want to advertise such a mtg to the group & modify the schedule as we go. (Sala 216) * TCG Turnovers - discussion at next Exec mtg - *Please review and let us know if any errors - taking list to Exec on 1/31;; If you know someone to nominate, are interested in a position, or ready to move from V Chair to Chair, let CA, JE, MM know in email to help the process* * DM WG - Laurent Michel, Jesus Selgado - no extension * GWS WG - Giulllano Taffoni - no extension / Note on D Morris V Ch till 2025 * Semantics WG - Markus Demleitner, Carlo Maria Zwölf - - no extension * Theory IG - V Chair OPEN (since 9/2022) * Operations IG - Mark Taylor, S Groom - no extension * Radio IG - M Lacy, F Bonnarel - have extension available; Mark Lacy suggested Alessandra Zanichelli, Yan Grange and Mark Kettenis in Nov 9, 2022 email to BB to replace them in Radio IG; I believe hes not interested in an extension. <p> </p> * AOB * Next TCG meeting: * *Mar 08 @20 UTC* * IVOA Events page: <a href="IvoaEvents" target="_top"></a>
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