TWiki> IVOA Web>IvoaSemantics>UCDList_1-6_RFM (revision 11) (raw view)EditAttach
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I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf ProposalForNew_obs_atmos_UCDs2023-05-10.pdf r1 manage 61.8 K 2023-05-11 - 05:46 MireilleLouys Proposed UCD tree inclusion for Ambient parameters at telescope site
Unknown file formatods UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.ods r1 manage 15.6 K 2022-10-24 - 15:58 MireilleLouys list of terms to discuss
PDFpdf UCDNewtermsProposalForAmbientParametersatESO.pdf r1 manage 43.1 K 2022-10-24 - 16:05 MireilleLouys first proposal / to be discussed
Unknown file formatxlsm UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-revMarch10-2023.xlsm r1 manage 26.1 K 2023-03-10 - 18:47 MireilleLouys 3rd proposal / to be discussed
Unknown file formatxlsx UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotated-vrev27Janv2023.xlsx r1 manage 25.3 K 2023-03-02 - 14:31 MireilleLouys revised ambient
Unknown file formatods UCD_List_AmbientParams-annotatedOct22.ods r1 manage 32.1 K 2022-10-24 - 16:19 MireilleLouys list of terms to discuss
PDFpdf ucd_RFM_SolarSystem_JB.pdf r1 manage 23.3 K 2023-05-09 - 13:40 MireilleLouys RFM for Solar System data/ J. Berthier
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Topic revision: r11 - 2023-06-22 - BaptisteCecconi
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