Note: This was an early prototype for the -Next pages and hence didn't have a version number in it yet. This page is superseded by
This page collects specification issues as well as proposals for extensions for VOResource 1.0.
Work on the document itself is done in volute,
Following the guidelines to report and accept Errata to IVOA standards here you'll only find listed the proposed features and discussion for subsequents revisions of the this specification.
Errata tracking for VOResource 1.1 can be found at the
VOResourceOneDotOneErrata page.
Specification Problems
As of: VOResource 1.1 (Rec)
- There is a discrepancy in some IVOA documents that causes XSD validation failures. Standards documents give examples of ivo-id's that include a '#' but VOResource-v1.0.xsd or
VOResource-v1.1.xsd do not allow it, for example: ivo:// : <dataModel ivo-id="ivo://">Registry 1.1</dataModel>
Suggested Extensions
- There should be an indication of the "size" of a resource. This would normally be the number of rows present in the underlying database table (this should probably be dealt with in VODataService).
- We should probably have a place for ORCIDs
- Addressed by 1.1 IWD (altIdentifier on authors)
- There should be a standard way to reference individual capabilities (use case: someone wants to say: "I used this TAP service to generate this data"; referencing the whole record may not be good enough if there are other capabilities like, say, Datalink or SIA on that same service, or there's TAP capabilities of different versions in there). * This has been shelved for now since there was not sufficient community interest to develop and test solutions.