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Registry Working Group WP3 (Metadata Specifications)

VOResource v0.10 and its Standard Extensions


The Schemas

VOResource, in general, refers to a family of schemas that includes the core schema (VOResource-v0.10) and a set of standard extensions. These schemas are have been released from the official IVOA schema distribution area. To validate documents compliant with this release you need each of the following schemas:

Schema Description Documentation
VOResource-v0.10.xsd requires VOResourceRelType-v0.10.xsd core resource metadata coming soon
VORegistry-v0.3.xsd extension for describing registries and naming authorities coming soon
VODataService-v0.5.xsd requires VODataServiceCoverage-v0.5.xsd extension for describing data and services coming soon

The following two extensions are extensions that define specific, standard tabular sky services.

ConeSearch-v0.3.xsd extension for describing Cone Search Services service spec.,
schema docs: coming soon
SIA-v0.7.xsd extension for describing Simple Image Access Services service spec.,
schema docs: coming soon

You can download all the schemas (with the examples) in a single bundle. Two versions are available. When these packages are unpacked, all of the files are put in the current directory.

VOResource-v0.10 (tar.gzzip)
the official schemas from the table above.

VOResource-v0.10-local (tar.gzzip)
the official schemas with "schemaLocation" set to look for imports on local disk. This version enables a verifier to look for schemas in the current directory instead from the IVOA site. Use this version when developing off-line or with tools that have trouble finding imported schemas.

Example documents

o  a simple description of an organisation
o  uses only the core VOResource schema

o  a description of a data collection
o  uses VOResource and VODataService
o  includes a simple coverage description

o  a description of an archive search page used interactively with a browser
o  described as a resource of type SkyService
o  illustrates the use of the "service-for" relationship
o  uses VOResource and VODataService

o  a description of a Cone Search service
o  interface description includes the supported input parameters
o  includes a description of the returned output table
o  uses VOResource, VODataService, and ConeSearch

o  a description of a Simple Image Access service
o  interface description includes the supported input parameters
o  includes a description of the returned output table
o  uses VOResource, VODataService, and SIA

o  a description of a registry (as a service).
o  uses VOResource, VODataService, and VORegistry

o  a description of a naming authority
o  used to register authority names in a registry.
o  uses uses VOResource and VORegistry

What's New in this Release

The primary change is the way extensions are handled: we have dropped the use of substitution groups and replaced them with the use of xsi:type. What looked like this in release v0.9...

<!-- the old way -->
<VOResource xmlns="..." >

...now looks like this...

<!-- the new way -->
<resource xsi:type="vs:SkyService" xmlns="..." >

That is, you now see both specific type (SkyService) and the base concept it extends (resource) in the same element.

Here's an abridged list of changes made. (A more complete description can be found here.)

  • only global types are defined (anonymous types are avoided).
  • no global elements are defined; an application that uses VOResource can define its own global element(s) to use as a root element as necessary.
  • references to other resources has been simplified
  • the logical ID element has been dropped
  • the generic Capabilities element has been dropped; specific standard services (e.g. ConeSearch, SimpleImageAccess) define these in their extensions.

Useful Tools

Conversion Stylesheets

Background Materials

What's Ahead in Future Versions

  • If no fundemental problems are found with this release, it is expected that:
    • the next release of VOResource will be v1.0
    • each of the extensions will begin to evolve separately.
  • VORegistry will likely be updated as the standard Registry Interface is refined.

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
XSL (XML style sheet)xsl VOResource-v0.10-v0.9.xsl r1 manage 58.3 K 2004-07-14 - 20:16 RayPlante Converts v0.10 VOResource documents to v0.9
XSL (XML style sheet)xsl VOResource-v0.9-v0.10.xsl r1 manage 55.5 K 2004-07-14 - 20:15 RayPlante Converts v0.9 VOResource documents to v0.10
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Topic revision: r4 - 2004-07-15 - RayPlante
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