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ResourceMetadata Meetings: InterOpMay2004ResReg
Registry Working Group WP3 (Metadata Specifications)
Discussion of VOResource v0.10
Please add your comments about VOResource v0.10 here. Be sure to include your name and date.
RayPlante - 22 June 2004
Table Metadata
Simple Quick Change
In order to provide holding places for metadata being entered by
AstroGrid datacenters now, we need to add two new elements to the column definition (
<xs:complexType name="ParamType">
<xs:element ref="vr:Name" />
<xs:element ref="vr:Description" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element ref="vs:DataType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element ref="vs:Unit" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element ref="vs:UCD" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="ErrorColumn" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="UcdPlus" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
Once the discussion is complete on UCD versioning and column associations, we can change the above and transform the documents as appropriate
MartinHill - 1/7/04
TabularSkyServiceType class change
As above, but also change
which then just describes tables. It becomes an element in
, rather than a subclass. This should make it easier to map to VOTable headers, and of course means we can reuse
for RDBMS-based services that are not sky objects.
MartinHill - 1/7/04
Factor out UCD, UcdPlus, DataType and Units
Given these are (or will be) used so often, it might be worth defining a tiny 'master' schema for each of these elements so they can be reused more easily. However if they're used more widely, it will become considerably more difficult for them to develop...
MartinHill - 1/7/04
Extend relationshipType enumeration
I would like to extend the relationshipType enumeration with at least a
served-by value that is the converse of the
service-for value so that it makes it easy to point to a service from a resource. (More detail can be found on
PaulHarrison - 18 Oct 2004
This has been added to
VOResource v1.0.
RayPlante - 08 Jun 2005
Topic revision: r5 - 2012-06-26
- root