Implementation plans for VOSpace v1.0

This is a page for discussion of implementation details of VOSpace-1.0.

Transport protocols





JPARSS is the Java Parallel Secure Stream (Socket), a package designed to achieve optimal TCP performance in a grid environment using partitioned data and parallel Java streams. It enables single sign-on, certificate delegation and secure or plain-text data/file transfer using several security components based on X.509 certificate and SSL.

As the source code for JPARSS is available and it does not require a Globus installation, this could provide a suitable protocol for large data transfers.

On the client side, JPARSS provides two parallel file transfer client APIs: one for peer-to-peer transfer and one for 3rd party transfer. I've tested the peer-to-peer transfer using an NVO proxy certificate.

-- MatthewGraham - 03 Jul 2006

Topic revision: r2 - 2012-06-26 - root
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