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IVOA Distributed Services and Protocols (DSP) Home Contents Chair: JesusSalgado Vice Chair: SaraBertocco Chairs Emeriti: GiulianoTaffoni, MatthewGraham, GuyRixon...
Applications Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting (ESAC) Plenary Code bases and Repositories: Tuesday 20 May, 12:00 13:30, D001/2 Mark Taylor Introduction...
Data Access Layer Sessions Madrid 2014 Session 3: TAP 1.x The purpose of this session is to discuss issues with the current Table Access Protocol (TAP) and related...
DM session May 2014 Interop Meeting DM Session 1 Ongoing DMs start of VO DML discussion:D001 Thursday 10:00 11:30 Speaker Title Duration Materials...
Education Session Madrid 2014The purpose of this session is to present current activities and plans of VO in the field of outreach and education. Session Program...
Focus Session on Planetary Data Wednesday May 21 Interoperability Meeting, May 2014 Schedule Page Time Speaker Topic Materials Wednesday...
GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revision of VOSpace and UWS.It...
Focus Session on Multi dimensional Data Tuesday May 20 Interoperability Meeting, May 2014 Schedule Page Time Speaker Topic Materials Tuesday...
New Technologies Session at the May 2014 Interop Meeting This session will be about techniques or technologies which should be in the IVOA`s future, or which may provide...
Registry Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting (back to main program page) Registry Sessions: Schedule Speaker Title Materials Time Location...
Semantics Session at the May 2014 Interop Meeting Schedule There is only one Semantics session: Wednesday 21 May, 12:00 13:30, in room D052 Speaker Title...
Time Domain Interest Group There is one time domain session scheduled for the May 2014 InterOp. We will convene at 17:00 on 22 May in D052. The primary aim of this...
Theory Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting Speaker Title Time Materials Theory I : Thursday 22 May 10:00 11:30, D052 Carlos...
IVOA Data Model Working Group Introduction The role of the Data Modeling group is to provide a framework for the description of metadata attached to observed or...
IVOA Events Upcoming: Next Interoperability Meeting 1 6 June 2025 UMD (under preparation) Next Exec meeting TBD Next TCG meeting 7 April...
IVOA Grid Web Services Home Contents Chair: JesusSalgado Vice Chair: SaraBertocco Chairs Emeriti: GiulianoTaffoni, MatthewGraham, GuyRixon, AndreSchaaff...
IVOA Theory Update 2023 09 20 These pages are quite out of date! They will be updated and edited over the next couple of months with new activity from the Theory...
Notes from the TAP/ADQL splinter session on 21 May 2014 at the Interop meeting at ESAC. During the meeting the group reviewed a number of proposed changes to TAP and...
Archive of work done within the Semantics WG For current activities, see IvoaSemantics. Towards Vocabularies 2 In preparation to the effort of modernising the Vocabularies...
Number of topics: 19

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