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IVOA Roadmap for 2018A

This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2018 between the Victoria and College Park Interops.

Applications WG

Data Access Layer WG

+ TAP 1.1 : + Little extension of RFC (new PR). Will finish soon.

+ ADQL 2.1 : + Some revision and 1 implementation before going to RFC.

+ SLAP 2.0 : + Implementation to be published. More comments needed.

+ SCS 1.1 : + New draft and back-compatibility check for fall Interop.

+ DALI-next : + Discussion page settled. Please contribute!!!

Data Model WG

Grid and Web Services WG

* Completion of the Group Membership Service (GMS) working draft
* Publication of the UWSRegExt 1.0 Node and XSD
* Encourage working group to collaborate on Science Platform development
* Continue with GWS telecons

Registry WG

Semantics WG

Maintenance of UCDs :

Improve the revision loop proposed. Adjust the Maintenance for UCD WD with the lessons learned. By end June 2018 Work out the process for sharing the progress on UCD terms revision with the community. By end July 2018

Complete the revision of terms asked by the planetary science on the RFMforUCD web page. Propose face to face meetings to speed up the process. By nov 2018

Visibility of IVOA vocabularies

Setup of a vocabulary page at the top the <span style="color: #e4af0a;"></span> front page as collaboration effort with the media group and <span style="color: #e4af0a;"></span> document coordinator. <\br>A prototype page gives an idea of this prototyped page <\br><\br>Organisation of the Vocabulary repository<\br>_By nov 2018_

Nomenclature for names for Observatories, instruments, missions.

Collaboration Baptiste Cecconi (Lesia, Paris) - University of Graz - Fuzzy logic tools applied to instruments telescopes list cross match . Description of Space missions from Vespa<\br>General thesaurus building to be continued with ADS, AAS, astronomical journals, librarians and documentalists involved.<\br>Design of a metadata description based on the reuse of the PDS 4 Information model to categorize the various items .<\br>

By nov 2018

Data Curation & Preservation IG

The Data Curation & Preservation IG will continue to be the place where liaison between the IVOA and the Research Data Alliance RDA is established, with regular discussion of RDA activities, their relevance to the IVOA, and the IVOA activities relevant to the RDA (eg Provenance). This is a standing item for the IG session at each IVOA Interoperability meeting. The IG also hosts discussions on other topics of interest for Data Curation & Preservation. DOIs have been one of the important topics addressed in the past. It is proposed to have it as a topic again for the next DataCP meeting in November 2018, to discuss requirements, implementation, lessons learnt, granularity, etc.

Education IG

Knowledge Discovery IG

Operations IG

Solar System IG

Theory IG

Time Domain IG

Standard and Processes

Science Priorities


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Topic revision: r6 - 2018-06-01 - MireilleLouys
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