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IVOA History

Interop and Other Key Meetings

Month/Year Location (Host)
6/2000 Pasadena, CA (Caltech), Virtual Observatories of the Future
8/2000 Garching, Germany (ESO), Mining the Sky
6/2001 Aspen, CO (ACP)
1/2002 Strasbourg, France (CDS)
6/2002 Garching, Germany (ESO), Toward an International VO
  (IVOA formed at this meeting)
10/2002 Baltimore, MD (JHU)
5/2003 Cambridge, UK (IoA)
10/2003 Strasbourg, France (CDS)
11/2003 Beijing, China, small projects meeting (ChinaVO)
5/2004 Cambridge, MA (CfA)
9/2004 Pune, India (IUCAA)
5/2005 Kyoto, Japan (NAOJ)
10/2005 Madrid, Spain (ESAC)
5/2006 Victoria, BC (CVO)
9/2006 Moscow, Russia (RVO)
5/2007 Beijing, China (ChinaVO)
9/2007 Cambridge, UK (IoA)
5/2008 Trieste, Italy (INAF-OATs,
10/2008 Baltimore, MD (STScI, JHU)
5/2009 Strasbourg, France (CDS)
11/2009 Garching, Germany (ESO)
5/2010 Victoria, BC (CVO)
12/2010 Nara, Japan (NAOJ)
5/2011 Napoli, Italy (University Federico II of Napoli,
10/2011 Pune, India (IUCAA)
5/2012 Urbana, USA (NCSA)
10/2012 São Paulo (BRAVO)
05/2013 Heidelberg, Germany (GAVO, University of Heidelberg)
09/2013 Waikoloa, Hawaii (VAO)
05/2014 Madrid, Spain (ESA-VO, SVO)
10/2014 Banff, Canada (CVO)
5/2015 Sesto, Italy (
10/2015 Sydney, Australia (Aus-VO)
5/2016 Cape Town, S Africa (SA^3)
10/2016 Trieste, Italy (INAF-OATs,
05/2017 Shanghai, China (China-VO)
10/2017 Santiago, Chile (ChiVO)
05/2018 Victoria, BC (CADC)
11/2018 College Park, MD
5/2019 Paris, France
10/2019 Groningen, Netherlands
05/2020 Sydney, Australia (changed to VM due to COVID-19 outbreak)
11/2020 Granada, Spain (VM)

Executive Committee Meetings

Month/Year Meeting Location
6/2002 FM1 Garching
9/2002 TM2 telecon
11/2002 TM3 telecon
1/2003 FM4 Seattle (AAS)
3/2003 TM5 telecon
6/2003 TM6 telecon
8/2003 FM7 Sydney (IAU GA)
9/2003 TM8 telecon
1/2004 FM9 Garching (AVO SWG)
4/2004 TM10 telecon
6/2004 FM11 Glasgow (SPIE)
11/2004 TM12 telecon
1/2005 FM13 San Diego (AAS, SDSC)
4/2005 TM14 cancelled
5/2005 FM15 Kyoto
7/2005 TM16 telecon
10/2005 FM17 Madrid
1/2006 TM18 telecon
5/2006 FM19 Victoria
8/2006 FM20 Prague (IAU GA)
12/2006 TM21 telecon
3/2007 TM22 telecon
5/2007 FM23 Beijing
5/2007 FM23S Beijing
7/2007 TM24 telecon
9/2007 FM25 Cambridge
1/2008 TM26 telecon
4/2008 TM27 telecon
5/2008 FM28 Trieste
8/2008 TM29 telecon
10/2008 FM30 Baltimore
10/2008 FM30S Baltimore
2/2009 TM31 telecon
5/2009 FM32 Strasbourg
5/2009 FM32S Strasbourg
9/2009 TM33 telecon
11/2009 FM34 Garching
11/2009 FM34S Garching
03/2010 TM35 telecon
05/2010 FM36 Victoria
05/2010 FM36S Victoria
09/2010 TM37 telecon
12/2010 FM38 Nara
12/2010 FM38S Nara
03/2011 TM39 telecon
05/2011 FM40 Napoli
08/2011 TM41 telecon
10/2011 FM42 Pune
10/2011 FM42S Pune
02/2012 TM43 telecon
05/2012 FM44 Urbana
05/2012 FM44S Urbana
07/2012 TM45 telecon
10/2012 FM46 São Paulo
12/2012 TM47 telecon
02/2013 TM48 telecon
05/2013 FM49 Heidelberg
05/2013 FM49S Heidelberg
09/2013 FM50 Waikoloa
11/2013 TM51 telecon
02/2014 TM52 telecon
05/2014 FM53 Madrid
05/2014 FM53S Madrid
09/2014 TM54 telecon
10/2014 FM55 Banff
12/2014 TM56 telecon
03/2015 TM57 telecon
06/2015 FM58 Sesto
06/2015 FM58S Sesto
09/2015 TM59 telecon
10/2015 FM60 Sydney
12/2016 TM61 telecon
02/2016 TM62 telecon
05/2016 FM63 Cape Town
05/2016 FM63S Cape Town
07/2016 TM64 telecon
09/2016 TM65 telecon
10/2016 FM66 Trieste
12/2016 TM67 telecon
03/2017 TM68 telecon
05/2017 FM69 Shanghai
05/2017 FM69S Shanghai
06/2017 TM70 telecon
7/2017 TM71 telecon
9/2017 TM72 telecon
10/2017 FM73 Santiago
12/2017 TM74 telecon
03/2018 TM75 telecon
05/2018 TM76 telecon
05/2018 FM77 Victoria BC
05/2018 FM77S Victoria BC
07/2018 TM78 telecon
09/2018 TM79 telecon
11/2018 FM80 College Park, MD
12/2018 TM81 telecon
3/2019 TM82 telecon
4/2019 TM83 telecon
5/2019 FM84,84s Paris, France
7/2019 TM85 telecon
9/2019 TM86 telecon
10/2019 FM87 Groningen, Netherlands
11/2019 TM88 telecon
02/2020 TM89 telecon
03/2020 TM90 telecon
04/2020 TM91 telecon
06/2020 TM92 telecon
09/2020 TM93 telecon
10/2020 TM94 telecon
12/2020 TM95 telecon
03/2021 TM96 telecon

Executive Committee Leadership

Dates Chair Deputy Chair Secretary
6/2002-7/2003 Bob Hanisch Peter Quinn Nic Walton
7/2003-6/2004 Peter Quinn Andy Lawrence
6/2004-5/2005 Andy Lawrence Masatoshi Ohishi
5/2005-8/2006 Masatoshi Ohishi Francoise Genova
8/2006-8/2007 Francoise Genova Dave De Young
8/2007-10/2008 Dave De Young Fabio Pasian
10/2008-5/2010 Fabio Pasian Paolo Padovani "
11/2009-9/2013     Mark Allen
5/2010-10/2011 Paolo Padovani Ajit Kembhavi "
10/2011-5/2013 Ajit Kembhavi David Schade "
5/2013 -10/2014 David Schade Christophe Arviset "
9/2013-12/2018     Janet Evans
10/2014-5/2016 Christophe Arviset Enrique Solano "
5/2016-10/2016 Christophe Arviset Pepi Fabbiano "
10/2016-5/2018 Pepi Fabbiano Mark Allen "
5/2018-10/2019 Mark Allen Chenzhou Cui "
1/2019-     Francesca Civano
10/2019- Chenzhou Cui Bruce Berriman "

[term of chair increased to 18 months beginning with D. De Young]

[N.Walton’s term extended to 5/2009, retroactively, effective 11/2008]

Technical Working Group

Dates Chair Deputy Chair
6/2002-7/2006 Roy Williams  
1/2004- TWG System Architecture Group formalized
7/2005 TWG becomes TCG

Technical Coordination Group

Dates Chair Deputy Chair
7/2006-5/2008 Roy Williams (continued from TWG)
5/2007-5/2008   Christophe Arviset
5/2008-5/2011 Christophe Arviset Severin Gaudet
5/2011-5/2012 Christophe Arviset (1 year extension) Severin Gaudet (1 year extension)
5/2012-5/2015 Severin Gaudet Matthew Graham
5/2015-5/2018 Matthew Graham Patrick Dowler
5/2018- Patrick Dowler Janet Evans

Interop Program Organizing Committee

3/2003-5/2007 Nic Walton, Francoise Genova, Bob Hanisch
5/2007-5/2012 Severin Gaudet, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Nic Walton
8/2008 Marie-Lise Dubernet resigned
9/2010 TCG vice-Chair is automatically a member of the POC
5/2012- Matthew Graham, Nic Walton
  TCG Chair/Vice Chair

Standards and Process Subcommittee

9/2007-9/2010 Francoise Genova (chair), Bob Hanisch, Christophe Arviset

Committee on Scientific Priorities

5/2010-9/2013 Dave de Young (chair)
9/2013-5/2017 Mark Allen (Chair)
5/2017-5/2021 Bruno Merín (Chair)

Document Coordinator

8/2003-12/2005 Marco Leoni
1/2006 -7/2010 Bruno Rino
7/2010 - 9/2014 Sarah Emery Bunn
9/2014 - Giulia lafrate (

Working Groups

Working Group Dates Chair Deputy
Applications 1/2007-7/2008 Mark Allen  
  3/2007-   Mark Taylor
  7/2008-7/2011 Tom McGlynn Mark Taylor
  7/2011-5/2014 Mark Taylor  
  7/2011-7/2012   Enrique Solano
  7/2012-5/2014   Pierre Fernique
  5/2014-5/2017 Pierre Fernique Tom Donaldson
  5/2017-5/2018 Pierre Fernique (1 yr. ext.) Tom Donaldson (1 yr. ext.)
  5/2018-5/2021 Tom Donaldson Raffaele D'Abrusco
Data Access Layer 6/2003-5/2007 Doug Tody  
  3/2007-   Markus Dolensky
  5/2007-5/2010 Keith Noddle Markus Dolensky
  5/2008- 5/2010 Keith Noodle Jesus Salgado
  5/2010- 5/2013 Pat Dowler Mike Fitzpatrick
  5/2013- 5/2014 Pat Dowler (1 year extension)  
  5/2013-5/2014   Francois Bonnarel
  5/2014-5/2017 Francois Bonnarel Marco Molinaro
  5/2017-5/2018 Francois Bonnarel (1 yr. ext.) Marco Molinaro (1 yr. ext.)
  5/2018-5/2021 Marco Molinaro James Dempsey
Data Models 6/2003- Jonathan McDowell  
  3/2007-   Mireille Louys, Anita Richards
  5/2007-5/2010 Mireille Louys Anita Richards
  5/2010-5/2011 Mireille Louys (1 yr. ext.) Jesus Salgado
  5/2011-5/2014 Jesus Salgado Omar Laurino
  5/2014-5/2015 Jesus Salgado(1 yr. ext.) Omar Laurino (1 yr. ext.)
  5/2015-5/2018 Mark Cresitello-Dittmar Laurent Michel
  5/2018-5/2019 Mark Cresitello-Dittmar (1 yr. ext.) Laurent Michel (1 yr. ext.)
  5/2019-5/2022 Laurent Michel Jesus Salgado
Grid & Web Services 8/2003-5/2007 Guy Rixon  
  12/2006 - 5/2007   Matthew Graham
  5/2007-5/2011 Matthew Graham  
  7/2007- 5/2011   Paul Harrison
  5/2011-5/2013 Andreas Wicenec Andre Schaaff  
  5/2013-5/2014 Andre Schaaff Andreas Wicenec  
  5/2014-5/2015 Andre Schaaff (1 yr. ext.)    
  5/2014-5/2015   Brian Major
  5/2015-5/2018 Brian Major Guiliano Taffoni
  5/2018-5/2019 Brian Major (1 yr. ext.) Guiliano Taffoni (1 yr. ext.)
  5/2019-5/2022 Guiliano Taffoni Christine Banek
Registry 6/2003-9/2006 Tony Linde  
  9/2006-9/2009 Ray Plante  
  12/2006 -11/2009   Aurelien Stebe
  11/2009-11/2010 Ray Plante Gretchen Greene
  01/2011-5/2014 Gretchen Greene Pierre Le Sidaner
  05/2014-5/2015   Pierre Le Sidaner (1 yr. ext.)
  5/2014-5/2017 Markus Demleitner  
  5/2015-5/2018   Theresa Dower
  5/2017-5/2018 Markus Demleitner(1 yr. ext.)  
  5/2018-5/2021 Theresa Dower Pierre Lesidaner
Semantics 10/2005-1/2008 Andrea Preite-Martinez  
  12/2006- 06/2008   Sebastien Derriere
  06/2008-06/2011 Sebastien Derriere Norman Gray
  06/2011-06/2012 Sebastien Derriere (1 yr. ext.) Norman Gray (1 yr. ext.)
  06/2012-06/2015 Norman Gray Mireille Louys
  6/2015-5/2018 Mireille Louys Alberto Accomazzi
  5/2018-5/2019 Mireille Louys (1 yr. ext.)  
  5/2018-5/2019   Markus Demleitner  
  5/2019-5/2022 Markus Demleitner Carlo Maria Zwölf  
_Standards & Processes_ 6/2003-5/2005 Bob Hanisch  
S&P WG to "idle state" 1/2004    
[S&P WG deactivated] 5/2005    
_Uniform Content Descriptors_ 6/2003-1/2005 Roy Williams Francois Ochsenbein
  1/2005-10/2005 Andrea Preite-Martinez  
[UCD WG renamed Semantics] 10/2005    
VO Event 1/2005-1/2008 Roy Williams  
  12-2006-5/2008   Rob Seaman
  5/2008-5/2011 Rob Seaman Alasdair Allan (resigned 9/2010)  
  10/2010-10/2011   Roy Williams
  10/2011- Matthew Graham John Swinbank
VO Event WG converted to Time Domain Interest Group 10/2012    
_VO Query Language_ 1/2003-7/2005 Masatoshi Ohishi  
  7/2005-8/2006 Maria Nieto-Santisteban (co-chair) Yuji Shirasaki (co-chair)
  8/2006-8/2009 Pedro Osuna Yuji Shirasaki
*VO Query Language WG merged into Data Access Layer WG 5/2010    
_VO Table_ 3/2003-5/2009 Francois Ochsenbein  
WG in maintenance mode 12/2009    

Interest Groups

Interest Group Dates Chair Deputy
Applications 1/2004-7/2005 Tom McGlynn  
  7/2005-1/2007 Mark Allen  
[Apps IG to WG] 1/2007    
Astro-RG 8/2003-?? Reagan Moore Nic Walton
  ??-7/2007 Nic Walton  
  7/2007-7/2010 Masatoshi Ohishi  
  11/2009 IG dissolved  
Data Curation & Preservation 6/2004-5/2007 Reagan Moore Francoise Genova
  5/2007-5/2010 Bob Hanisch  
  5/2010- Alberto Accomazzi  
  2/2013-5/2014   Francoise Genova
  5/2014-5/2017 Francoise Genova N/A
  5/2017-5/2018 Francoise Genova (1 yr ext.)  
  5/2018-5/2021 Andre Schaff Tim Jenness
Knowledge Discovery in Databases      
  9/2010-10/2012 Giuseppe Longo  
  10/2012-12/2015 George Djorgovski  
  12/2015-12/2019 Kai Polsterer (1 yr ext)  
  5/2018-5/2021   Matthew Graham
Theory 1/2004- Gerard Lemson
  12/2006-5/2008   Herve Wozniak
  5/2008-5/2011 Herve Wozniak Claudio Gheller
  5/2011-5/2012 Herve Wozniak (1 yr ext.)  
  5/2011-5/2012   Frank Le Petit
  5/2012-5/2015 Franck Le Petit Rick Wagner
  5/2015-5/2016 Franck Le Petit (1 yr ext.) Carlos Rodrigo
  5/2016-5/2020 Carlos Rodrigo (1 yr ext.)  
  5/2016-5/2020   Gerard Lemson
  5/2020-5/2023 Gerard Lemson  
  12/2020-12/2023   Simon O'Toole
Education 12/2012-12/2015 Massimo Ramella Sudhanshu Barway
  12/2015-12/2016 Massimo Ramella (1 yr ext.) Sudhanshu Barway (1 yr ext.)
  05/2017-05/2020 Chenzhou Cui Hendrik Heinl
  05/2020-05/2021 Chenzhou Cui (1 yr ext.) Hendrik Heinl (1 yr ext.)
Time Domain 10/2012-5/2013 Matthew Graham John Swinbank
  5/2013-5/2016 John Swinbank Mike Fitzpatrick
  5/2016-5/2017 John Swinbank (1 yr ext.)  
  5/2016-5/2020   Dave Morris (1 yr ext.)
  5/2017-5/2020 Ada Nebot  
  5/2020-5/2021 Ada Nebot (1 yr ext. )  
  12/2020-12/2023   Mark Cresitello-Dittmar
Operations 5/2015 - 5/2018 Tom McGlynn Mark Taylor
  5/2018-5/2019 Tom McGlynn (1 yr ext.) Mark Taylor (1 yr ext.)
  5/2019-5/2022 Mark Taylor Steve Groom  
Solar System 5/2017-5/2020 Baptiste Cecconi  
  5/2018-5/2021   Steve Joy
  5/2020-5/2021 Baptiste Cecconi (1 yr ext.)  
Radio Astronomy 5/2020-5/2023 Mark Lacy François Bonnarel

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