TDIG/RadioIG Session Schedule - IVOA Apr 2022 Interoperability Meeting

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Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+10:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg Perth/Beijing Canberra
TDIG/RIG Apr 27 06:30 Apr 26 23:30 Apr 27 02:30 Apr 27 08:30 Apr 27 14:30 Apr 27 16:30

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.

TDIG/RadioIG : Joint session

Time: Apr 27 06:30 [session #08]

Speaker Title Time Material
Patrick Woudt Radio transients and variables with MeerKAT 12' + 3' Woudt_MeerKAT_Radio_Transients.pdf
Dougal Dobie The ASKAP Variables and Slow Transients Survey 12' + 3' Dobie-VAST-slides.pdf
Vincenzo Galluzzi ObsCore mapping for INAF pulsar/FRB data. 12' +3 ' pdf
Alan Loh NenuFAR: MOCs and observation database 12' + 3' pdf

Moderator: Brent, Notetaker: François

notes: etherpad notes (link to live notes, should expire around end of April 2023)

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Radio transients and variables with MeerKAT (P.Woudt)

Commensal searches for transients and variables in radio image-plane data is opening up discovery space for new and unusual radio transients, making current and future surveys on SKA pathfinders - and the SKA in the near future - effective transient discovery machines. In this talk I will give some examples of recent commensal transient discoveries with MeerKAT and discuss some key parameters in characterising variability in radio image-plane data.

The ASKAP Variables and Slow Transients Survey (D.Dobie)

The Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) is a next-generation GHz-frequency telescope with a 30 square degree field of view. The Variables And Slow Transients project is one of the ASKAP Survey Science Projects that will commence observing in late 2022. In this talk I will outline the work completed to-date as part of pilot surveys carried out over the past 3 years, the infrastructure that we are developing to deal with the enormous volume of data that the full survey will produce.

ObsCore mapping for INAF pulsar/FRB data.(V.Galluzzi)

Data from the INAF radio telescopes are being saved in a public, web-based archive. We are now working at the implementation of services to make such data discoverable in the VO. In this talk, I will present the status of mapping INAF pulsar/FRB data into the ObsCore datamodel, focusing on some issues and possible choices that emerged during the analysis.

NenuFAR: MOCs and observation database (A.Loh)

NenuFAR is a low-frequency radiotelescope observing in the 10-85 MHz frequency range. In beamforming mode, it is designed as a 96 elements phased-array (called Mini-Arrays: 19 analog-phased dipole antennas). The geometry of the Mini-Arrays induces the appearance of grating lobes at sky positions which are time and frequency-dependent. Beamformed observations are thus often contaminated by artefacts due to off-target bright sources falling within those secondary lobes. Thanks to the use of Multi-Order Coverage map objects, we have developed a tool able to quickly assess, or predict, which time and frequency cells are affected by such contamination for a given observation. In addition, we have also set up a NenuFAR observation database using elasticsearch, keeping track of the complex and various instrumental configurations. Originally made for internal use purposes, we intend to release part of it as ObsTAP and ObsLocTAP services in the next future.

-- FrancoisBonnarel - 2022-04-20

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date WhoSorted ascending Comment
PDFpdf Dobie-VAST-slides.pdf r1 manage 1762.9 K 2022-04-28 - 07:26 BrentMiszalski Dougle Dobie's talk
PDFpdf Woudt_MeerKAT_Radio_Transients.pdf r1 manage 13706.7 K 2022-05-02 - 21:26 BrentMiszalski  
PDFpdf 2022-04-28_IVOA_NenuFAR_ALoh.pdf r1 manage 7857.3 K 2022-05-02 - 14:37 FrancoisBonnarel NenuFAR Multi-Order Coverage maps use-case
PDFpdf ObsCore_mapping_for_INAF_pulsar_FRB_data.pdf r1 manage 1537.2 K 2022-04-28 - 13:48 FrancoisBonnarel ObsCore mapping for INAF pulsar/FRB data.
Texttxt TDIGRadioIG.txt r3 r2 r1 manage 7.1 K 2022-05-04 - 10:53 FrancoisBonnarel Meeting notes
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