Application sessions - agenda

Apps I -Monday 14:00–15:30 - Großer Saal

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Jiri Nadvornik Photometric Surveys: Catalog generation with HEALPix and VO 15' + 3' pdf
Thomas Boch MOCPy, a Python library to parse and manipulate MOC 15' + 3' pdf
Ivan Zolotukhin Advanced web application for X-ray research with the XMM-Newton 15' + 3' pdf
Nicolas Moreau The new VAMDC portal for atomic and molecular data : simplified search interface and asynchronous requests using PDL 15' + 3' pdf
Santosh Jagade AstroStat - Statistical Analysis for Virtual Observatory, and PyMorph 15' + 3' pdf

Apps II - Wednesday 11:00–12:30 - Großer Saal

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Laurent Michel Taphandle status & prospec 15' + 3' pdf
Anaïs Oberto SIMBAD TAP service is evolving to simplify the usage for all users. 15' + 3' pdf
Mark Taylor TOPCAT TAP client improvements 15' + 3' pdf
Gregory Mantelet New release of the CDS/ARI libraries 15' + 3' pdf
Baptiste Cecconi RadioJOVE: Citizen science in scientific research using the VO 15' + 3' pdf

Apps III- Wednesday 14:50– 15:30 - Großer Saal

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Ivan Zolotukhin VO-powered publication in Science magazine: discovery of the runaway mini-galaxies 12' + 3' pdf
Omar Laurino The new Iris release 12' + 3' html md
Laurent Michel, Andre Schaaff ArchesWalker 12' + 3' Screenshot of the mobile application - Slides

Apps IV - Thursday 9:00–10:30 - Großer Saal

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Carlos Rodrigo VOSA, VO SED Analyzer: new features and new architecture 15' + 3' pdf
Petr Skoda Distributed data mining of spectra archives using VO standards 15' + 3' pdf
Yaye Awa Ba Spectcol improved with VO-Table and SAMP support 15' + 3' pdf
David Languignon Software architectures for modern data in the VO 15' + 3' pdf
Sara Nieto ESAC VOSpace implementation 15' + 3' pdf
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action SizeSorted ascending Date Who Comment
PDFpdf toptap.pdf r1 manage 200.1 K 2015-06-17 - 08:45 MarkTaylor  
Unknown file formatwar uws1.1.war r1 manage 245.2 K 2015-06-17 - 08:08 GregoryMantelet Java Web application that creates a simple UWS service implementing UWS-1.1 built thanks to the CDS/ARI UWS Library. It is a ready to deploy WAR. Once deployed, just go to the URL http://localhost:8080/uws1.1/uws
PDFpdf VOSpace-Interop-2015.pdf r1 manage 255.3 K 2015-06-19 - 10:13 PierreFernique  
PDFpdf skoda-vocloud2.pdf r1 manage 427.7 K 2015-06-18 - 07:51 PetrSkoda Machine learning in a cloud
PDFpdf languignon_software_modern_data.pdf r1 manage 621.3 K 2015-06-17 - 21:37 PierreFernique  
PDFpdf IvanZolotukhin_XMM_catalog_website.pdf r1 manage 719.0 K 2015-06-15 - 14:04 IvanZolotukhin New XMM-Newton catalog website
PDFpdf Interop_Juin2015.pdf r1 manage 749.3 K 2015-06-18 - 07:03 PierreFernique  
PDFpdf New_release_CDS_ARI_libraries.pdf r1 manage 795.3 K 2015-06-17 - 08:40 GregoryMantelet Presentation by Grégory Mantelet about New releases of the CDS/ARI libraries for ADQL, UWS and TAP.
PDFpdf IvanZolotukhin_VO_Science_paper.pdf r1 manage 950.7 K 2015-06-17 - 13:24 IvanZolotukhin A VO-powered publication in Science magazine
PDFpdf 2015_06_14_vamdc_portal_interop.pdf r1 manage 1002.4 K 2015-06-16 - 08:10 PierreFernique  
PDFpdf NadvornikJiri_Catalog_generation.pdf r1 manage 1254.8 K 2015-06-15 - 15:13 JiriNadvornik Light curve/object catalog generation using HEALPix and C++
JPEGjpg ArchesWalker.jpg r1 manage 1299.1 K 2015-06-15 - 17:05 LaurentMichel Tablet Screen
PDFpdf archeswalkerIVOA.pdf r1 manage 1318.4 K 2015-06-16 - 12:42 LaurentMichel ArchesWalker slides
PDFpdf SIMBAD-TAP.pdf r1 manage 1469.6 K 2015-06-17 - 12:45 AnaisOberto SIMBAD TAP service evolves
PDFpdf MOCPy.pdf r2 r1 manage 1765.7 K 2015-06-15 - 13:08 ThomasBoch MOCPy, a Python library to handle MOCs
PDFpdf TapHandleIVOA20152.pdf r1 manage 2979.6 K 2015-06-16 - 12:27 LaurentMichel TabHandle slides
PDFpdf IVOA_Interop_Sesto_2015.pdf r1 manage 3164.8 K 2015-06-16 - 09:53 SantoshJagade VOI AstroStat - Statistical Analysis for Virtual Observatory, & PyMorph
PDFpdf vosa-sesto15.pdf r1 manage 6500.5 K 2015-06-18 - 07:33 CarlosRodrigo VOSA
PDFpdf RadioJOVE.pdf r2 r1 manage 7233.4 K 2015-06-17 - 09:21 BaptisteCecconi RadioJOVE: Citizen science in scientific research using the VO
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