IVOA Interoperability meeting

16-20 May 2005: Kyoto International Conference Hall, Kyoto, Japan

Meeting Web site

Detailed information is available at a meeting web page.

Tips for Kyoto

Useful informations are available. There are Time Table for Shinkansen, Train ticket information (How to buy, to read, to use tickets, etc.), Public Transportation operated by the Kyoto city, Kyoto Visitor's Guide, and so on.


The meeting programme is available - attached as kyoto-sched-v7.pdf (2005.05.03). This is now the final schedule and is provided in full below ...
Date Time Place Activity Comments
Sun 15 May 2005 17:00-19:00 MG Architecture Review IVOA Exec / WG&IG Chairs
Mon 16 May 2005 10:00-12:30 B1 Welcome + Logistics
  10:15-13:00 B1 Plenary-1 charge to the working groups
  14:00-17:30 I VOQL-1 Parallel sessions
  14:00-17:30 J VOTable Parallel sessions
  14:00-17:30 K Astro-RG Parallel sessions
Tue 17 May 2005 09.00-12.30 J Registry Parallel sessions
  09:00-12:30 I VOQL-2/DAL-1 Joint session
  14:00-17:30 I Data Models-1/DAL-2 Joint sessions
  14:00-17:30 J Apps IG Parallel sessions
  evening   Banquet
Wed 18 May 2005 09.00-12.30 K Grid/Web Services-1 Parallel sessions
  09:00-12:30 I Data CP Parallel sessions
  09:00-12:30 J Theory IG Parallel sessions
  12:30-17:00   Free Afternoon
  12:30-15:30 Rm104-E IVOA Exec Meeting FM15 working lunch
Thu 19 May 2005 09.00-12.30 J Registry-2 Parallel sessions
  09:00-12:30 I DAL-3 Parallel session
  09:00-12:30 K VOEvent Parallel sessions
  12:30-12:45   Group Photo
  14:00-17:30 J Registry-3 Parallel sessions
  14:00-17:30 I Data Models-2 Parallel sessions
  14:00-17:30 K Grid/Web Services-2 Parallel sessions
Fri 20 May 2005 09.00-12.30 I Data Models-3 Parallel sessions
  09:00-12:30 J UCDs Parallel sessions
  09:00-12:30 K Grid/Web Services-3 Parallel sessions
  13:30-15:40 B1 Plenary-2 Meeting Review, Actions, Wrap-up
  15:40   Meeting Closes Have a good trip home

Light breakfast (Danish pastry, Coffee, Black Tea, etc.) is available between 17th and 20th. Coffee, Black tea and Green tea are available 10:30-11:00 and 15:30-16:00 .

Lunch is available, typically 12:30-14:00 (Note: Lunch is 13:00-14:00 on Mon 16 May 2005, and 12:30-13:30 on Fri 20 May 2005).

Meeting Locations

All meetings (except the architecture review meeting on the Sunday) will be held at the Kyoto International Conference Hall.
abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
B1 Conf Centre: Room B1 200+ Wireless LAN  
I Conf Centre: Room 50 Wireless LAN    
J Conf Centre: Room J 50 Wireless LAN  
K Conf Centre: Room K 50 Wireless LAN  
Rm104-E Conf Centre: Room 104 20 Wireless LAN One room split into two: this side for Exec use
Rm104-L Conf Centre: Room 104 10 Wireless LAN One room split into two: this side for LOC use
MG Mitsui Garden Hotel 20 N/A  


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People Session Agenda & MaterialsSorted descending
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials
Programme Committee   FrancoiseGenova, BobHanisch, NicholasWalton programme (.pdf)
Local Organising Committee   MasatoshiOhishi, Yoshihiko MIZUMOTO, Yuji SHIRASAKI, Masahiro TANAKA, Masafumi OE  
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpMay2005VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL MasatoshiOhishi InterOpMay2005VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpMay2005VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}%
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpMay2005UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpMay2005Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Registry TonyLinde InterOpMay2005ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Plenary Presentations   InterOpMay2005Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Grid&Web Services GuyRixon InterOpMay2005GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Data Models JonathanMcDowell InterOpMay2005DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
DAL DougTody InterOpMay2005DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Curation and Preservation IG FrancoiseGenova, ReaganMoore InterOpMay2005CP %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Astro-RG IG NicholasWalton InterOpMay2005Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Architecture IG RoyWilliams InterOpMay2005Architecture %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications IG TomMcGlynn InterOpMay2005Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}%

Participants and Reservation Status

Current list of participants and Reservation status are available from here.

Updated Announcement

The Spring 2005 IVOA Interoperability Workshop will be held in Kyoto, Japan, hosted by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan / JVO. We expect to have work sessions for all IVOA Working Groups, and Interest Groups.

The chairs of the Working Groups and Interest Groups are requested to prepare summary reports for the opening plenary session that describe progress to date and plans for the Interop meeting.

The meetings will be held on the Kyoto International Conference Hall where the XXIIIrd IAU General Assembly was held in 1997. Accommodations will be available at two hotels in the center of downtown Kyoto, which are about 15 minutes by subway from the meeting location.

The first plenary session will begin on Monday morning at 10:00 am at room B1, with coffee and registration available starting at 9:00 am in front of room B1. We will finish on Friday at 3:40 pm to allow participants to connect with evening return flights.

We will be working further with the Working Group and Interest Group chairs to develop a detailed agenda for the workshop, though to first order you can expect it to be similar to the May 2004 workshop in Cambridge, USA, with both plenary and up to three parallel sessions. Additional information will be posted on this site as it becomes available.

We look forward to your participation – it is the contributions from all IVOA projects and personnel that make the VO development stimulating and successful!

Françoise Genova, Bob Hanisch, and Nic Walton (Chair: InterOpMay2005)

Interop Program Organizing Committee


Kyoto, surrounded by gracefully wooded hills and mirrored by 1200 years' history, was the capital of Japan from 794 to 1868 AD. In addition to beautiful Imperial Villas, Kyoto has about 400 Shinto shrines and 1,650 Buddhist temples which dot the entire city. Innumerable cultural treasures and traditional crafts, as well as beautiful spring cherry blossoms and autumnal colours, attract visitors to Kyoto, both from within and without Japan.

Today, the city of Kyoto is also a bustling academic city that is young-at-heart, with nearly 50 institutions of higher education, and a home to many world-class corporate research giants. The spirit of Kyoto lies in the unique blend of old and new, taking the best of the old and applying them to the future.

The Kyoto International Conference Hall (K.I.C.H.) is located in the north of Kyoto city, near the Takaraka-ike lake and Hiei mountain. It is only 20 minutes and 15 minites by subway from Kyoto Railway Station and the center of downtown Kyoto. The Kyoto International Conference Hall has long history to host many international meetings, and you will fine full of meeting facilities.


The banquet will be held at Ganko Takasegwa Nijoen from 7pm on 17th (Tue). All participants including their spouses and children are invited. The banquet fee is JPY 1500 (this corresponds to alcoholic beverages), and the fee will be collected at the registration desk.


Travel information to get to Kyoto is shown at http://www.kich.or.jp/en/access/index.html. Travel tips will be provided at the meeting web page.

A new NAGOYA airport (centrair) has just opened since February. Transportation between the new Nagoya airport and the Nagoya station is shown at http://www.centrair.jp/en/access/index.html. It takes 28 minutes by train and 30-40 minutes by car to Nagoya. You can easily connect to Shinkansen (the bullet trains) at the Nagoya station to go to Kyoto. It takes about 40 minutes between the Nagoya station and the Kyoto station by NOZOMI Shinkansen.


Electricity in Kyoto is 100V, 60Hz AC. The plug has two flat pins. This is the same as that in the US. Visit at http://users.pandora.be/worldstandards/electricity.htm for details.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan provides the information about visa and entering Japan. If you need the visa, please check the following web site: http://www.mofa.go.jp/j_info/visit/visa/index.html.

When you need to get the visa, please contact to masatoshi.ohishi@nao.ac.jp immediately.

Group Photo


The group photo taken during lunch time on May 19th can be downloaded from here (.jpg, 3.7 MB).


The banquet photo on May 17th can be downloaded from here (.jpg, 3.2 MB).

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
JPEGjpg Banquet.JPG r1 manage 3314.7 K 2005-05-25 - 10:24 MasatoshiOhishi Maiko
GIFgif Banquet_small.gif r1 manage 154.2 K 2005-05-25 - 10:22 MasatoshiOhishi Maiko girls and audience
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