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Meetings: InterOpMay2008ResReg :: InterOpSep2007ResReg :: InterOpMay2007ResReg

Registry Sessions at the May 2008 Interoperability Meeting

Moderator: Aurelien Stebe

Plenary 1 (Monday, 11.00)

Topic Presenter Materials
Status & Goals Aurelien Stebe ppt

Reg 1: Integration and Interoperability (Monday, 14.30)

In this session we will discuss any remaining issues related to our transition to the v1.0 Registry Interfaces standard. If you would like to formally present a report or raise issues, please add your name to the agenda below.

Topic Presenter Materials
Astrogrid status Kevin Benson pdf


Reports by the various Registry Providers :

  • Kevin Benson (Astrogrid) : over a year working, VODesktop using it, support for VOSI, XQuery interface (see presentation for more details).
  • Gretchen Greene (NVO/STScI) : RofR is a big success, watch closely how clients will handle the new multiple capabilities services resources.
  • Matthew Graham (NVO/Caltech) : issue with UTF-8 not correctly encoded on some resources; ask Ray if this can be added to the Validator.
  • Sebastien Derriere (CDS) : Validator is very useful, less resources than before (nearly half, using service-centric, rather than table-centric).
All Registry Providers reported minor glitches with specific resources; (nearly)-all were fixed; was to be expected, nothing too serious.

Talks on the "xsi:type" issue and general namespace short-names :

  • Proposition from Kevin Benson to mandate the namespace short-names (scs:, sia:, ssa:) for easier querying and XPath resolving.
  • Proposition from Aurelien Stebe to use VOStandard to register those in the RofR just like the "standardID".
  • General agreement that it would ease things for many people, and to investigate/test this until next InterOp and report there.

Proposition to have the Validator run periodically instead of single run on registration. Comment by Thomas McGlynn that this is in the work at NVO using Ray's Validator. Comments to have it fill a report page on the RofR webpage or even fill the "validationLevel" element.

Report by Evanthia Hatziminaoglou of the ESO SSAP resource not being transfered correctly to other Registries because of space characters in the identifier. Problem will be resolved after the session.

Thomas McGlynn asking if there is a date planned to encourage client applications implementations to transfer to the new Registries. Consult with Ray Plante.

Confirmation of agreements talked about on the mailing list concerning "deleted" records :

  • "deleted" records are allowed to be actually dropped completely after 6 months
  • GetResource and XQuerySearch are the only two Search methods returning "deleted" resources
  • calls to OAI harvesting methods should return "current" resources (not "deleted") if no date filter is used
Kevin Benson to add those to the RI document before it goes to RFC.

Talks about the "multiple schema versions" issue :

  • Clients must check the namespaces for versions they support.
  • Proposition from Aurelien Stebe to send a mail from the Registry WG to the Applications WG informing application implementors of the issue.
  • Proposition from Gretchen Greene to have the Registry list all the namespaces it might return on a search query inside its resource record.
  • Proposition from Aurelien Stebe to use a test Registry (isolated from the rest) with multiple schema versions for client application tests.
  • List of known client applications using the Registry : VODesktop, Aladin, VOSpec, a VOTech tool (to check).

Reg 2: Registry Extensions (Tuesday, 11.00)

In this session we will primarily discuss the standardization of various registry extension schemas, primarily VODataService and VOStandard. Revisions to VODataService will require an uprev of the schema to version 1.1, so we will also discuss if there are any issues supporting v1.0 and v1.1 simultaneously.

Topic Presenter Materials
Intro, versioning schemas Aurelien Stebe ppt
VODataService Guy Rixon see end of TWiki page
for proposed schema


Joint Session: VOSI (Thursday, 16.30)

See the Grid and WebServices page

Reg 3: Future Directions (Friday, 9.00)

Topic Presenter Materials
Controlled Vocabularies with Registries Norman Gray pdf
Future of ADQL for Registries Aurelien Stebe  
Alternate Response Formats Gretchen Greene  


Plenary 2 (Friday, 14.30)

Topic Presenter Materials
Status & Report Aurelien Stebe  

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Topic revision: r9 - 2008-05-23 - AurelienStebe
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