Applications Sessions at the May 2013 Interop Meeting (Heidelberg)

Speaker Title Time Materials
Applications 1: Monday 13 May 14:00-15:30, gHS
Omar Laurino Iris 15 pdf
Nicolas Moreau Specview 15 pdf
Margarida Castro Neves SPLAT-VO 15 pdf
Petr Skoda SPLAT-VO Improvements 15 pdf
Renaud Savalle The POMME Demonstrator, a light-curve explorer 15 pdf
Florian Rothmaier Web interface to relational registry 15 pdf
Applications 2: Monday 13 May 16:00-17:30, gHS
David O'Callaghan FOREST 15 pdf
Carlo Maria Zwolf PDL service for Paris-Durham MHD Shock Code 15 pdf mov
Gilles Landais TAPVizieR developments 15 pdf
Dave Morris, Stelios Voutsinas Data access service 15 pdf pdf
Satoshi Eguchi Interactive Web Viewer for ALMA Cube data 15 pdf
Wataru Kawasaki Vissage: an ALMA-JVO Desktop Application 15 pdf
Applications 3: Tuesday 14 May 14:00-15:30, gHS
Daniel Durand HST and relationship to VO 15 pdf
Francois-Xavier Pineau CDS X-match service API 15 pdf
Thomas Boch Aladin Lite 15 pdf
Baptiste Cecconi SAMP/VOTable Planetary Science developments 10 pdf
Cyril Chauvin EPN-TAP Client 5 pdf
Tushar Agrawal Recent developments in VOIndia 15 pdf
Mark Taylor TOPCAT v4 15 pdf

See also the Joint Applications/Registry session on Coverage and Coverage Discovery.

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date WhoSorted ascending Comment
PDFpdf BCecconi-AppSession.pdf r1 manage 9054.7 K 2013-05-16 - 10:19 BaptisteCecconi Planetary Science Applications
PDFpdf CChauvin-AppSession.pdf r1 manage 1337.6 K 2013-05-16 - 10:18 BaptisteCecconi Planetary Science Applications
PDFpdf IVOA_MAY_2013.pdf r1 manage 6894.9 K 2013-05-14 - 13:07 DanielDurand HST in the VO and in the Clouds
PDFpdf 20130508-firethorn-007.pdf r1 manage 214.4 K 2013-05-13 - 09:55 DaveMorris ROE Data access service
PDFpdf interop-wfaugui.pdf r2 r1 manage 900.6 K 2013-05-15 - 07:08 DaveMorris ROE Data access GUI
PDFpdf interfaceToRelRegistry.pdf r1 manage 272.1 K 2013-05-14 - 08:23 FlorianRothmaier Talk presenting our new web interface to the relational registry.
PDFpdf splat_interop_HD.pdf r1 manage 254.6 K 2013-05-14 - 10:05 FlorianRothmaier Presentation of the newest SPLAT features with a focus on getData.
PDFpdf Kawasaki-20130513-IVOAInteropHeidelberg-Vissage.pdf r1 manage 834.4 K 2013-05-14 - 08:15 MarkTaylor  
PDFpdf OCallaghan-Forest-Apps-20130513-notes-reduced.pdf r1 manage 859.9 K 2013-05-13 - 15:11 MarkTaylor  
PDFpdf PDLApps.pdf r1 manage 892.0 K 2013-05-13 - 17:18 MarkTaylor  
PDFpdf s_eguchi.pdf r1 manage 1369.8 K 2013-05-13 - 13:42 MarkTaylor  
PDFpdf tc4.pdf r1 manage 546.2 K 2013-05-14 - 07:37 MarkTaylor topcat
PDFpdf IrisHeidelberg.pdf r2 r1 manage 2409.4 K 2013-05-13 - 13:07 OmarLaurino  
PDFpdf Splat2013.pdf r1 manage 743.3 K 2013-05-13 - 21:41 PetrSkoda  
PDFpdf Renaud_Savalle_Interop_20130513_The_POMME_Demonstrator.pdf r1 manage 832.5 K 2013-05-13 - 14:15 RenaudSavalle The POMME Demonstrator Presentation
PDFpdf Aladin-Lite-TBoch.pdf r1 manage 3385.0 K 2013-05-14 - 14:19 ThomasBoch Aladin Lite
PDFpdf CDS_XMatch_HTTP_API_F.-X._Pineau.pdf r1 manage 455.1 K 2013-05-15 - 08:25 ThomasBoch CDS cross-match API
PDFpdf tapvizier.pdf r2 r1 manage 280.8 K 2013-05-16 - 13:16 ThomasBoch <nop>TAPVizieR developments
PDFpdf VOIndia_Heidelberg_May_2013.pdf r1 manage 1440.8 K 2013-05-14 - 13:27 TusharAgrawal VOIndia_Heidelberg_May_2013
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