This is the schedule setup for GWS related sessions at the Virtual IVOA Meeting (May 2020).

The GWS session during the virtual meeting will be an open discussion on the following topics. A moderator will chair the discussion and a "secretary" will take notes on etherpad, where also the other participats will have the possibility to annotate their ideas, questions and suggestions.

The table below shows the GWS related session start time and date at various time zones. If you don't find your time zone there, or for cross-check, have a look at a tool like this one.

Topics that didn't find a place in the main week sessions will be scheduled by GWS in the following weeks, accordingly to interest and attendance availability.

DRAFT: April 30

Schedule Summary
Topic DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+10:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg Perth/Beijing Sydney
Science Platforms May 5 20:30 May 5 13:30 May 5 16:30 May 5 22:30 May 5 04:30 May 4 06:30
Single Sign On May 6 13:30 May 6 06:30 May 6 09:30 May 6 15:30 May 6 21:30 May 6 23:30
GMS Authorization Protocol May 6 22:00 May 6 15:00 May 6 18:00 May 7 00:00 May 7 06:00 May 7 08:00

Virtual Meeting (May 5-8) Sessions

What can the IVOA provide towards the standardization of Science Platforms?

-(Tuesday May 5, 20:30-21:30 UTC)

Single sign on: towards a new standard able to allow apps and services to access easily private data

(Wednesday May 6, 13:30-14:30 UTC)

Auth. protocols (GMS) - Status, discussion & RFC transition

(Wednesday May 5, 22:00-23:00 UTC)

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action SizeSorted ascending Date Who Comment
PDFpdf auth-reqs-strawman.pdf r1 manage 82.7 K 2020-05-06 - 05:47 PatrickDowler  
PDFpdf SSO_session_intro.pdf r1 manage 170.2 K 2020-05-06 - 13:15 SaraBertocco  
PDFpdf GMS-OAuth2.pdf r1 manage 198.0 K 2020-05-07 - 07:58 SaraBertocco anOAuth2 based GMS implementation - Sonia Zorba
PDFpdf GMS.pdf r1 manage 442.6 K 2020-05-06 - 19:38 BrianMajor  
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Topic revision: r16 - 2021-03-16 - DaveMorris
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