DAL Sessions Schedule - IVOA November 2020 Virtual Interoperability Meeting

Status: FINAL

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-08:00 UTC-05:00 UTC+01:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+11:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg Perth/Beijing Canberra
DAL 1 Nov 17 13:30 Nov 17 05:30 Nov 17 08:30 Nov 17 14:30 Nov 17 21:30 Nov 18 00:30
DAL 2 Nov 18 22:00 Nov 18 14:00 Nov 18 17:00 Nov 18 23:00 Nov 19 06:00 Nov 19 09:00
DAL 3 May 19 13:30 Nov 19 05:30 Nov 19 08:30 Nov 19 14:30 Nov 19 21:30 Nov 20 00:30


Time: Tuesday Nov 17 2020 @ 13:30 UTC (Other Time Zones)

Etherpad Notes link

Speaker Title Time Material
Aitor Ibarra ObjVisSAP status & discussion 30' pdf / pptx
Markus Demleitner Applications of Vocabularies 2 15' Notes
Stéphane Erard EPN-TAP Working Draft 15' EPNcore_WD.pdf

Moderator: James

Notetaker: Marco


Time: Wednesday Nov 18 2020 @ 22:00 UTC (Other Time Zones)

Etherpad Notes link

Speaker Title Time Material
Margarida Castro Neves LineTAP: a proposal for an IVOA relational model for spectral lines 15' LineTAP_Interop.pdf
Vandana Desai Implementation of the IVOA Spectral Data Model at IPAC 15' pdf
Judith Silverman Enriched Query-Server Response: DataLinks and Column Groups 15' pdf / pptx
Marco Molinaro ConeSearch quick report (only a pointer to doc repo, here on the right -> )   WD in GitHub repo

Moderator: Marco

Notetaker: James


Time: Thursday Nov 19 2020 @ 13:30 UTC (Other Time Zones)

Etherpad Notes link

Speaker Title Time Material
François Bonnarel Datalink status report & discussion 30'  
Gregory Mantelet ADQL status report & discussion 20' pdf
François Bonnarel SIAv2+SODA 10'  

Moderator: James

Notetaker: Marco

Others which overlap DAL but are or may be in other WG sessions:

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date WhoSorted ascending Comment
PDFpdf adql_2.1_status.pdf r1 manage 895.0 K 2020-11-19 - 08:50 GregoryMantelet  
PDFpdf AIbarra_O4-144.pdf r1 manage 7712.9 K 2020-11-17 - 14:43 MarcoMolinaro  
Unknown file formatpptx AIbarra_O4-144.pptx r1 manage 12784.8 K 2020-11-17 - 14:43 MarcoMolinaro  
PDFpdf Desai_IVOA_Presentation_18_Nov_2020.pdf r1 manage 3894.2 K 2020-11-19 - 06:14 MarcoMolinaro  
PDFpdf Enrichment_IVOA.pdf r2 r1 manage 11927.3 K 2020-11-17 - 20:33 MarcoMolinaro  
Unknown file formatpptx Enrichment_IVOA.pptx r1 manage 334.4 K 2020-11-17 - 14:43 MarcoMolinaro  
PDFpdf LineTAP_Interop.pdf r1 manage 355.9 K 2020-11-18 - 23:38 MargaridaCastroNeves LineTAP presentation
PDFpdf voc-in-dal.pdf r1 manage 41.8 K 2020-11-17 - 14:26 MarkusDemleitner Lecture notes for Markus' vocabulary talk
PDFpdf EPNcore_WD.pdf r1 manage 203.5 K 2020-11-17 - 14:38 StephaneErard Lecture notes for Stéphane's EPN-TAP/EPNCore talk
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Topic revision: r16 - 2020-11-19 - GregoryMantelet
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