Applications Working Group : November 2024

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Tentative Schedule

Applications Session 1: Saturday November 16, 2024 @ 9:00-10:30 (Session #1) Room Aula Magna
Speaker Title Materials Time
Laurent Michel MIVOT, PyVO Updates    
Thomas Boch

HiPS2MOC, generating MOC from constraints on HiPS values.

This new service allows one to generate the MOC corresponding to a set of constraints on the HiPS tiles values. For instance, one can easily ask for questions like "what is the coverage of GALEX NUV pixels with a flux greater than 10 Jy/steradian?" or "give me the MOC of Mars locations with an elevation greater than 6000 meters (using MOLA DEM HiPS data) ?

  8 + 5
Markus Demleitner VO at the Limit: Writing a Client for Global TAP Queries

Have you ever tried to write code for something like "Give me all proper motions for objects in the vicinity of (α, δ)? Well, I have, and I would like to present and discuss my conclusions from this effort with you.
Pierre Fernique & Thomas Boch HiPS generation news

We'll present recent developments and improvements to Hipsgen - the CDS HiPS generator tool: iterative generation, contrast adjustment, alternative storage, etc. We'll also present future developments notably HiPS -3D, as well as alternatives to Hipsgen
Mark Taylor

VOTable Metadata for Parquet

Parquet is becoming an important format for bulk data storage and processing, but it lacks rich metadata. There has been some work on combining it with VOTable to make up for that. I will review existing proposals and implementations and suggest next steps towards standardisation.

Henrik Norman

ESASky 7 featuring FITS support, projections, and a Time-Series Visualiser

Projections, FITS, and HiPS FITS, are now available in ESASky, thanks to Aladin Lite 3. You can also continue where you left off with the new User Area. Save and restore sessions, upload your own data, and customise the layout to get the most out of ESASky.

In addition, we recently released a multi-mission, multi-object Time-Series Visualiser. It lets you quickly combine and inspect time-series data from different missions and observations. This first release will soon have even more features and support an ever-increasing number of missions. Continued IVOA standardisation of time-series data is greatly appreciated!


Applications 2???
Speaker Title Materials Time

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