DAL Session Schedule - IVOA Nov 2024 Interoperability Meeting

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Time: Saturday November 16 - 9:00-10:30 (Malta local time)

Location: Aula Magna

Notes: TBD

Moderator: Grégory, Notetaker: Joshua

Speaker Title Abstract Time Material
Anastasia Laity DAL at IRSA We will describe advances in IRSA's VO infrastructure over the last 6 months, including how we incorporated simulated data into TAP and SIA2, and updates on our progress (and problems) implementing ObsTAP and DataLink. 12'+3' pdf
Tess Jaffe How should ObsTAP+DataLink provide options to retrieve the same product from multiple locations (including cloud)? I will talk about options for using DataLink to provide multiple different locations for the same product, e.g., an on prem copy versus a cloud-hosted copy. I don't have a working solution to present but would like to explain my understanding of a couple of ways to do it and ask for feedback about how to move toward some agreement on how this could be done consistently. 12'+3' pdf
Markus Demleitner Persistent TAP Uploads: A Prototype in DaCHS Having uploads that can stay over more than one request has long been a desideratum for TAP. While the lack of federated authentication still limits the usefulness of such a feature, DaCHS now has a facility for "persistent" (but not permanent) uploads, somewhat based on the OpenCADC youcat proposal. It is, however, different in some important aspects, in particular to cater to the use case of letting users – rather than publishers – keep temporary tables useful in multiple queries server-side. I will discuss and demo the state of the implementation and collect feedback to fix a few remaining free parameters. 12'+3' notes
Jose Osinde Lopez Upload capabilities available in TAP+ services at ESA archives
The ESA TAP+ upload features provide end users with data upload options, enabling dynamic data input for both temporary and long-term storage needs. Two primary upload types, "On-the-fly" and "Persistent," serve distinct purposes. "On-the-fly" uploads support immediate, query-specific data that is deleted once the query is finished. "Persistent" uploads, accessible only to registered users, allow users to upload data via files or URLs, store it within a user-specific schema, and optionally share or reuse query results. Essential prerequisites for these services include user authentication and quota management, with potential enhancements for data-sharing mechanisms and notifications. 12'+3' pdf pptx
Pat Dowler User-managed tables in TAP Ideas and questions related to the proposed addition of user-managed tables in TAP (nominally WD-TAP-1.2). 12'+3'  
Multiple speakers DAL flash news Progress status about some DAL standards.
  • Cone Search 1.1 - Marco Molinaro
  • ADQL 2.2 (PEG grammar) - Grégory Mantelet
5'+2' each  
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Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf DAL_at_IRSA_Laity.pdf r1 manage 970.3 K 2024-11-15 - 15:33 GregoryMantelet  
PDFpdf ESAC_Tap_IVOA_Nov2024.pdf r1 manage 1586.2 K 2024-11-15 - 13:18 JoseOsinde PDF presentation for "Upload capabilities available in TAP+ services at ESA archives"
Unknown file formatpptx ESAC_Tap_IVOA_Nov2024.pptx r1 manage 2926.5 K 2024-11-15 - 13:17 JoseOsinde Presentation for "Upload capabilities available in TAP+ services at ESA archives"
PDFpdf NAVO_cloud_DataLink_202411_interop.pdf r1 manage 1024.4 K 2024-11-15 - 15:22 TessJaffe NAVO presentation about adding cloud locations
PDFpdf gavo.pdf r1 manage 76.1 K 2024-11-14 - 13:59 MarkusDemleitner  
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