DAL Session Schedule - IVOA Nov 2024 Interoperability Meeting

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Draft Schedule

Time: TBD

Location: TBD

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
Markus Demleitner Persistent TAP Uploads: A Prototype in DaCHS 15'+5'   Having uploads that can stay over more than one request has
long been a desideratum for TAP. While the lack of federated
authentication still limits the usefulness of such a feature, DaCHS
now has a facility for "persistent" (but not permanent) uploads,
somewhat based on the OpenCADC youcat proposal. It is, however,
different in some important aspects, in particular to cater to the
use case of letting users – rather than publishers – keep temporary
tables useful in multiple queries server-side. I will discuss and
demo the state of the implementation and collect feedback to fix a
few remaining free parameters.
Moderator: Grégory, Notetaker: Joshua

Notes: TBD

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