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PDFpdf GWS-DM-REG-301008.pdf r1 manage 690.7 K 2008-10-30 - 15:47 AndreSchaaff  
PDFpdf NVOPortalIVOAOct08.pdf r1 manage 2398.6 K 2008-10-29 - 00:31 TomMcGlynn  
PDFpdf STC2008-10.pdf r1 manage 149.7 K 2008-10-30 - 14:21 ArnoldRots STC in Applications
PDFpdf XSLT-JavaScript.pdf r1 manage 126.8 K 2008-10-29 - 00:33 TomMcGlynn  
PDFpdf appFramework-oct08.pdf r1 manage 100.0 K 2008-10-30 - 13:59 DougTody Applications Framework - project and concept views
PDFpdf cjmiller_ivoa2008.pdf r1 manage 364.3 K 2008-10-31 - 13:57 ChrisMiller  
PDFpdf ivoa_ServerSide.pdf r1 manage 24096.8 K 2008-10-29 - 12:48 MikeFitzpatrick  
PDFpdf period04apps.pdf r1 manage 1267.6 K 2008-10-31 - 06:16 PetrSkoda Period04 - Presentation
PDFpdf vosa-baltimore.pdf r1 manage 7178.2 K 2008-10-29 - 14:13 CarlosRodrigoBlanco VOSA
PowerPointppt Apps_RI.ppt r1 manage 243.5 K 2008-10-30 - 13:56 GretchenGreene VOTable Registry Apps Interface
PowerPointppt voplot_vostat.ppt r1 manage 2400.0 K 2008-10-31 - 15:57 VivekanandaMoosani VOPlot, VOStat presentation
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Topic revision: r44 - 2008-10-31 - VivekanandaMoosani
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