October 2016 (Northern Fall) Interop Meeting Participants List

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N family name name affiliation
1 Accomazzi Alberto ADS/CfA
2 Alacid J. Manuel SVO, CAB (INTA-CSIC)
3 Allen Mark CDS, Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg
4 Apostolakos Nikolaos University of Geneva
5 Appiani Laura The Office
6 Araya Mauricio UTFSM
7 Arevalo Sanchez Maria ESA/ESAC
8 Arviset Christophe ESA-ESAC
9 Baccigalupi Carlo INAF-OATs
10 Becker Stefan SFB 881, University of Heidelberg
11 Berriman Bruce IPAC, Caltech
12 Bertocco Sara INAF-OATs
13 Bignamini Andrea INAF-OATs
14 Boch Thomas CDS - Observatoire de Strasbourg
15 Bonnarel Francois CDS
16 Butora Robert INAF-OATs
17 Canzari Matteo INAF-OATE
18 Caon Nicola IAC-Spain
19 Chassande-Mottin Eric Univ. de Paris 7
20 Cimo Giuseppe JIVE - ASTRON
21 Corral Luis Jose IAM-UdeG
22 Cresitello-Dittmar Mark SAO
23 Dassas Karin IAS
24 Demleitner Markus GAVO
25 Derriere Sebastien CDS, Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg
26 Donaldson Tom STScI
27 Dower Theresa STScI
28 Dowler Patrick CADC
29 Duran Javier ESA/ESAC
30 Evans Janet SAO
31 Fabbiano Giuseppina SAO
32 Fernique Pierre CDS
33 Fitzpatrick Michael NOAO
34 Galkin Anastasia AIP Potsdam
35 Gasparo Federico INAF-OATs
36 Gasparo Sofia The Office
37 Gaudet Severin NRC – CADC
38 Genova Francoise CDS, Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg
39 Glendenning Brian NRAO
40 Glorian Jean-Michel IRAP/CNRS
41 Gonzalez-Nunez Juan ESDC - ESAC
42 Groom Steve Caltech/IPAC
43 Haigron Regis GEPI - OBSPM
44 Heinl Hendrik GAVO / ARI
45 Huang Maohai NAOC
46 Hussain Sadiq --
47 Iafrate Giulia INAF-OATs
48 Jafari Ally --
49 Jenness Tim LSST
50 Knapic Cristina INAF-OATs
51 Korde-Patel Asmita NASA/GSFC
52 Kovaleva Dana INASAN
53 Kozak Liudmyla KNU and SRI NA
54 Landais Gilles CDS
55 Landry Walter Caltech/IPAC
56 Languignon David CNRS/LERMA
57 Laurino Omar SAO/CfA
58 Lemson Gerard JHU
59 Lo Tak Ming NED/IPAC/Caltech
60 Lorente Nuria AAO
61 Louys Mireille CDS and ICUBE , Univ. Strasbourg, F
62 Maeght Patrick Univ. Toulouse III
63 Major Brian NRC - CADC
64 Marassi Alessandro INAF-OATs
65 Maris Michele INAF-OATs
66 McGlynn Thomas NASA/GSFC
67 Mendoza Marcelo CHiVO-UTFSM
68 Merges Florian Mercator Telescope - KU Leuven
69 Meunier Jean-Charles CNRS - LAM
70 Michel Laurent SSC - OAS
71 Micol Alberto ESO
72 Mol Jan David ASTRON
73 Molina Faviola University of Chile
74 Molinaro Marco INAF - OATs
75 Moreau Nicolas Observatoire de Paris - LERMA
76 Morris Dave ROE
77 Nadvorni­k Jiri
78 Navarro Silvana G. IAM - U de G
79 Niero Federica The Office
80 Nieto Sara ESA/ESAC
81 Nullmeier Markus GAVO / Uni Heidelberg
82 O'Toole Simon AAO
83 Oberto Anais CDS - France
84 Ohishi Masatoshi NAOJ
85 Pasian Fabio INAF-OATs
86 Pevunova Olga NED/Caltech
87 Pierfederici Francesco IRAM-ECMWF
88 Pineau Francois-Xavier CDS - OAS
89 Raddick Jordan Space Telescope
90 Ragagnin Antonio LRZ
91 Renil Rosly SKA-SA
92 Riebe Kristin AIP Potsdam
93 Rodrigo Blanco Carlos CAB
94 Rots Arnold SAO/CfA
95 Salgado Jesus ESDC/ESAC/ESA
96 Sallo Dilshad Hassan University of Duhok
97 Sanguillon Michele CNRS - LUPM
98 Sapone Alann CNRS - LAM
99 Savalle Renaud Paris Observatory, France
100 Schaaff Andre CDS, Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg
101 Schade David Joseph NRC Canada
102 Schollar Christopher SKA SA
103 Servillat Mathieu LUTH - Observatoire de Paris
104 Smareglia Riccardo INAF
105 Stobie Elizabeth University of Arizona
106 Streicher Ole AIP
107 Taffoni Giuliano INAF-OATs
108 Taylor Mark University of Bristol
109 Van Der Meer Rob ASTRON
110 Voutsinas Stelios Univ. Edinburgh
111 Vrioni Kostandin ESAC - NP
112 Vuerli Claudio INAF-OATs
113 Wassong Pascal CDS, Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg
114 Wicenec Andreas ICRAR
115 Witz Stephan NRAO
116 Zacchei Andrea INAF - OATs
117 Zhang Mo NAOC
118 Zografou Panagoula SAO
119 Zorba Sonia INAF-OATs
120 Zwolf Carlo Obs Paris - PADC
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I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng ivoa_family_foto_2.png r1 manage 2272.4 K 2016-10-23 - 08:55 FabioPasian  
PNGpng ivoa_family_foto_small.png r2 r1 manage 592.3 K 2016-10-23 - 09:06 FabioPasian  
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