TWiki> IVOA Web>IvoaEvents>InterOpOct2019>InterOpOct2019DM (revision 18) (raw view)EditAttach
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PDFpdf 20191012_IVOA_Buddelmeijer_MICADO_v1.pdf r1 manage 3634.1 K 2019-10-11 - 19:21 HugoBuddelmeijer Presentation HB
PDFpdf A_Component_and_Association__1.pdf r1 manage 3185.5 K 2019-10-11 - 11:25 LaurentMichel  
PDFpdf A_Component_and_Association__URLFixed.pdf r1 manage 3185.5 K 2019-10-11 - 13:38 LaurentMichel URL fixed
PDFpdf ESDC_Variable_Data_Catalogs.pdf r1 manage 3783.6 K 2019-10-11 - 09:41 LaurentMichel  
PDFpdf IVOA-SourceDM.pdf r2 r1 manage 716.3 K 2019-10-12 - 08:29 GillesLandais vizier-map-tables
PDFpdf Source.pdf r1 manage 1319.7 K 2019-10-11 - 11:47 FrancoisBonnarel  
PDFpdf Source_session_intro.pdf r1 manage 164.7 K 2019-10-11 - 09:06 LaurentMichel Session intro
PDFpdf Teake_Nutma_-_Euclid_Data_Model_Qualification.pdf r1 manage 10372.8 K 2019-10-12 - 09:23 HugoBuddelmeijer Presentation Teake Nutma
PDFpdf cab-msd.pdf r1 manage 284.3 K 2019-10-11 - 09:13 LaurentMichel Note draft: Model for Source Datra
Unknown file formatyaml definition.yaml r1 manage 9.0 K 2019-10-11 - 22:56 MireilleLouys provenance template
XMLxml gaia_transits_ndpoints2.xml r1 manage 31.2 K 2019-10-11 - 11:24 GillesLandais xml
PDFpdf gammapy-prov.pdf r1 manage 166.3 K 2019-10-11 - 22:58 MireilleLouys exemple prov gammapy/ Mathieu Servillat
PDFpdf model_status.pdf r1 manage 1034.8 K 2019-10-11 - 20:03 MarkCresitelloDittmar Meas/Coords model status
PDFpdf provenanceDM-Status2019Oct12.pdf r1 manage 1776.3 K 2019-10-12 - 06:41 MireilleLouys provenance dm status
Unknown file formatlog test_provenance.log r1 manage 12.5 K 2019-10-11 - 22:56 MireilleLouys provenance log / gammapy example
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Topic revision: r18 - 2019-10-12 - HugoBuddelmeijer
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