Registry Working Group Session: October 2022, Online

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Registry Session: Wednesday Oct 19 2022 @ 20:30-21:30 UTC (Session #10)
Speaker Title Materials Time
Christophe Arviset and Mattias Wångblad Euro-VO Registry status and plans pdf 12+3 mins
The Euro-VO Registry development had been put on hold in 2022 due to lack of (human) resources. Minimum operations and support has been provided this year. A new contract has been setup to resume the development. The presentation will expose the current Euro-VO Registry status and will highlight the upcoming features to be developed.
Markus Demleitner StandardsRegExt, Endorsed Notes, and why we should bother notes 12+3 mins
StandardsRegExt is a Registry extension for registering documents. When it was written, Endorsed Notes did not exist. Recently, the question has come up whether we ought to put them in. We could use the opportunity to work out a few more points that need clarification, such as: What ought to be registered in the first place, and why? Who is responsible for doing that? Oh, and who gets to put in StandardsRegExt keys, and when?
Markus Demleitner A New Registry API for pyVO notes 12+3 mins
The Python library for Virtual Observatory (VO) access, pyVO, has recently received a refurbished API for querying the VO Registry. The main goal of that refurbishment was to facilitate data discovery (“give me data about...”) as opposed to service discovery (“find all spectral services that...”), with a particular view to interactive usage from within jupyter notebooks. In this talk, I will briefly motivate the changes and discuss how the functions and classes are supposed to work together.
Tom Donaldson and Theresa Dower Discussion about pyVO and the NAVO registry pdf 12+3 mins
While working on Jupyter notebooks for the NAVO PyVO workshops, we decided to see if the NAVO/MAST registry would work the same way as the default GAVO registry. It didn't. We will discuss some of the issues encountered in this ongoing journey to integrate a non-GAVO registry with PyVO's regsearch().

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date WhoSorted ascending Comment
PDFpdf 20221019-Euro-VO_Registry_Status_and_Plans.pdf r1 manage 1648.9 K 2022-10-19 - 20:18 ChristopheArviset  
PDFpdf pyvo-registry.pdf r1 manage 41.9 K 2022-10-20 - 05:29 MarkusDemleitner  
PDFpdf sre-review.pdf r1 manage 51.9 K 2022-10-20 - 05:31 MarkusDemleitner  
PDFpdf Interop2022Oct_notes_session10_Registry.pdf r1 manage 59.8 K 2022-10-21 - 13:38 TessJaffe  
PDFpdf PyVOandNAVORegTAP.pdf r2 r1 manage 1220.6 K 2022-10-19 - 20:56 TomDonaldson  
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