TWiki> IVOA Web>IvoaEvents>InterOpMay2023>IntropMay3023DM (revision 14) (raw view)EditAttach
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PDFpdf 2023-Mivot-Bologna.pdf r1 manage 7830.9 K 2023-05-09 - 11:04 LaurentMichel  
PDFpdf CharactersationDataSetDM.pdf r1 manage 1150.6 K 2023-05-09 - 14:53 FrancoisBonnarel Characterisation and DataSetDM
PDFpdf Dataset_Splinter.pdf r1 manage 1445.1 K 2023-05-09 - 09:57 MarkCresitelloDittmar Discussion primer and support
PDFpdf ProposalDM-Update-PAH.pdf r1 manage 2742.4 K 2023-05-08 - 14:52 PaulHarrison Proposal DM Update
PDFpdf TableCombinationUseCase.pdf r1 manage 2446.0 K 2023-05-09 - 14:16 FrancoisBonnarel Table Combination use case using MIVOT
PDFpdf VO-DML_TOOLS_DEMO_PAH.pdf r2 r1 manage 2540.1 K 2023-05-08 - 14:46 PaulHarrison Vo-DML Tooling Demo
Quicktime moviemp4 mivot_impl.mp4 r1 manage 1884.9 K 2023-05-09 - 11:01 LaurentMichel  
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Topic revision: r14 - 2023-05-10 - AnneRaugh
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