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IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM77)

FM77 - Sun, 27 May 2018 - 16:00 Local Time (23:00 UTC) - SpiritAB

FM77 Supplementary - Wed, May 30 @12:30 Local Time (19:30 UTC) - Harbour Room



Exec Supplementary - Wed, May 30 @12:30 Local Time (19:30 UTC)


Meeting number (access code): 739 875 617

Host key: 773658
Meeting password: IVOA2018


1-877-668-4493 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)
1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)

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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that this WebEx service allows audio and other information sent during the session to be recorded, which may be discoverable in a legal matter. You should inform all meeting attendees prior to recording if you intend to record the meeting.

Agenda FM77

  1. Roll Call and Agenda
  2. Minutes of TM76
  3. Review of Exec Actions
  4. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  5. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
    • VO Resource 1.1 feedback/review
    • VOspace2.1, UCD1+1.3, RegistryInterface1.1, VO-DML1.0
  6. Overall TCG status
  7. Update to the main IVOA web page with an IVOA Vocabularies Page. (M Louys)
  8. Overall CSP status
  9. Future Interops
    • Northern Autumn 2018 - College Park, MD (Nov 8-10); (ADASS Nov11-18) - (T McGlynn)
    • Northern Spring 2019 - Paris FR (B Cecconi)
  10. Term Expirations review/discussion; include SSIG co-chair request in discussion

Agenda FM77S

  1. Decision on WG/IG terms/candidates up for Expiration
  2. IAU Planning
  3. Media Group Charter
  4. AstroGeoInformatics Book Chapter revisit - BigEarthSky
  5. IVOA Architecture doc/diagram effort
  6. Certificates for the servers that run the VO doc services
  7. AOB
  8. Date of Next Exec Meeting
  9. Review of Action Items

IVOA Terms expirations in May 2018:

("no extension" means the person has already been extended and term will end; "1 year extension" means a 1 year extension is available)

  • WG: Applications: Pierre Fernique - Ch (no extension), Tom Donaldson (no extension) - V Ch
  • WG: Data Access: Francois Bonnarel - Ch (no extension), Marco Molinaro (no extension) - V Ch
  • WG: Registry: Markus Demleitner - Ch (no extension), Theresa Dower (1 year extension) - V Ch
  • WG: Data Model: Mark Cresitello-Dittmar - Ch (1 year extension) , Laurent Michel (1 year extension) - V Ch
  • WG: Grid & Web Services: Brian Major - Ch (1 year extension), Guiliano Taffoni (1 year extension) - V Ch
  • WG: Semantics: Mireille Louys - Ch (1 year extension), Alberto Accomazzi (1 year extension) - V Ch
  • IG: Data Curation & Preservation: Francoise Genova (no extension) - Ch
  • IG: Operations: Tom McGlynn - Ch (1 year extension), Mark Taylor (1 year extension) - V Ch
  • TCG: Matthew Graham - Ch, Patrick Dowler2 - V Ch
  • Exec: Pepi Fabbiano - Ch, Mark Allen - V Ch







An article about astronomical spectrum data mining contest organized by China-VO and Alibaba Cloud is under preparing for the IVOA Newsletter.

More information please refer to the project report for TM76


The current status of ChiVO in terms of storage is the following:

ChiVO has 28236 FITS products from cycle 0,1, 2 & 3 of ALMA available to query through SIAP & SCSP, where each individual product can be downloaded from the same platform.

ChiVO has 2592 ASDM files from cycle 0,1, 2 & 3 of ALMA stored in the Archive. The indexing and parse of these data is in progress.

We will start to ingest the ASDM files of ALMA cycle 4 which has an approximate volume of 152.22 TB.




France VO




Japan VO will soon (probably on June 1st) release processed data taken by the 45m radio telescope at the Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NAOJ. One of such data was taken by the FUGIN project (visit at ).







The USVOA met by telecon on May 03. The agenda included highlights and discussion about current topics in the IVOA in preparation for the upcoming Interop. Of note, Tim Jenness replaces Adam Bolton on the IVOA and USVOA Executive committees. A discussion about the VO climate in the US followed along with a discussion of the group coordinating on a decadal white paper.

Report from the TCG

Report from the Working Groups


Maintenance of UCDs :

Revision of terms asked for the first iteration Oct2017-Feb2018

Feedback got from the planetary science community using the RFMforUCD web page and face to face meetings.

Finalizing the revision process for the added UCD terms needed iteration longer than 6 months this time . 30 terms requested this time.

Proposal for a main vocabulary page

at the top the front page. A prototype page set up and presented for Exec agreement .

Nomenclature for names for Observatories, instruments, mission s

Discussed at Lisa meeting with journals and documentalists, June 2017. Exploration of the PDS Information model to categorize the various items .

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